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You Go Paula!
7/23/2017 12:37:11 AM
New Executive Affiliate
New EA

Paula Frye
United States
Joined SFI: 06/13/17
Thank you!

You can help raise awareness of #advertising here in #Adlandpro


My plug for Adlandpro has not been rejected ... it is not possible to miss my Stream Post ... Adlandpro logo is in it


... also, I have stuff to share regarding maintaining EA rank ... I am waiting to rank
up as soon as I receive my 1st commissions, notified in latter June 2017; which shows cash to be disbursed [$50 and change] $$$ July 10, 2017 payout ... to be realized in August 2017 & I did not spend a penny to earn commissions to be paid via Cash Card in August ...

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