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Jim Allen

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Baby Boomers and their spoiled children....UPSIDE down AmeriKaKa
7/16/2017 3:09:34 PM

Baby Boomers and their spoiled children....UPSIDE down AmeriKaKa

For what it's worth-The Buffalo Springfield.
listen as you read my thoughts....(tv)

Welcome to the Un-United States FORameriKaKA

Baby Boomers, Unintended consequences squared. Take a bow!

by tony on Jan.22, 2009,

The beginning of the end to our culture. We have you to thank, my generation. Post WWII. Veterans whose sacrifice saved us from needing to speak a language other than English.

Our evolved Family with Vanity, Narcissism celebrated have negatively impacted our more traditional values...that society’s life blood. Unfortunate for us many with misguided thinking, now identifying with the “Jones” gave birth and became parents

Welcome to the world of Me, and mine….We as a generation, my generation did not mean to totally mess things up, it was simply these ”unintended consequences.” So much for vision, and prudent civic responsibility. We didn’t want to just exist anymore, our Parents didn’t want us to either….our parents were trained and marketed to to believe that their role was to make life better, and for the generation after that for them to have it better, so on and on. With this logic…one day no one will never have to do anything anymore, because less is failure.
What was it, …I mean, really, everything we are about for hundreds of years, generation after generation, really when, how and why have we LOST of Family tradition. I don’t mean just the “American Family” I mean the core, foundation of what constituted life, period!
This is family. You know..children, Daddy, Mommy, and children, with all one thing in mind…to live a just and fair life…so really what this starts with is the breakdown of family and all that came with it. Values.
Where did society, our government and our values all begin their downward cycle?
That my friends is what this is, a cycle…going down now and eventually our children’s children will have enough smarts to change the direction of the pendulum…maybe even stop it for a while at its zenith.
I am speaking in generalities here, but bear with me.
It started to go wrong after the ‘50’s when families needed two incomes to keep their heads above water never mind “keeping up with the Jones.” We needed bigger houses, two cars, and lots and lots of toys that American manufacturers provided and marketers became sophisticated.
The priorities our leaders demonstrated were often misplaced. Greed now taking root in our culture, moral relevance close behind, after all we have to “make it right” in our head.
The guiding light of human behavior often were religious based. Secular values by definition invalidates our traditional religious roots, fundamental of our culture. This secular movement I was aware of as a child. Attending Church, I often would skip, and noting, that I was doing wrong, but more and more were doing it, Always comfortable with doing what was wrong, I saw many didn’t, they would rather, …change things, so that wrong or right was no longer an issue, it simply didn’t apply. How convenient. I saw at this age of 7, 8 or 9. I saw it, first hand…and it all grew worse

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Baby Boomers and their spoiled children....UPSIDE down AmeriKaKa
7/16/2017 3:14:37 PM
This kind of reality and morality is more than an illusion. It is garbage!! Think of a UFO coming to our planet for the first time. He knows nothing about us, so he sees things as if he were a child…no point of view, no perspective other than what is. What reality does he see? Not the same one as our children who are being “spun” a reality that isn’t real. (Remember Universal and Natural Law say there is only one reality).

Simply put, the one reality has been replace by indifference to “what is.” It’s been replaced with ifa, coulda, woulda, shoulda, thereby invalidating the rules of nature and he universe that we should be following. And we as the older generation have said nothing, which means we have given it our blessing.


Baby Boomers and their spoiled children....UPSIDE down AmeriKaKa

For what it's worth-The Buffalo Springfield.
listen as you read my thoughts....(tv)

Welcome to the Un-United States FORameriKaKA

Baby Boomers, Unintended consequences squared. Take a bow!

by tony on Jan.22, 2009,

The beginning of the end to our culture. We have you to thank, my generation. Post WWII. Veterans whose sacrifice saved us from needing to speak a language other than English.

Our evolved Family with Vanity, Narcissism celebrated have negatively impacted our more traditional values...that society’s life blood. Unfortunate for us many with misguided thinking, now identifying with the “Jones” gave birth and became parents

Welcome to the world of Me, and mine….We as a generation, my generation did not mean to totally mess things up, it was simply these ”unintended consequences.” So much for vision, and prudent civic responsibility. We didn’t want to just exist anymore, our Parents didn’t want us to either….our parents were trained and marketed to to believe that their role was to make life better, and for the generation after that for them to have it better, so on and on. With this logic…one day no one will never have to do anything anymore, because less is failure.
What was it, …I mean, really, everything we are about for hundreds of years, generation after generation, really when, how and why have we LOST of Family tradition. I don’t mean just the “American Family” I mean the core, foundation of what constituted life, period!
This is family. You know..children, Daddy, Mommy, and children, with all one thing in mind…to live a just and fair life…so really what this starts with is the breakdown of family and all that came with it. Values.
Where did society, our government and our values all begin their downward cycle?
That my friends is what this is, a cycle…going down now and eventually our children’s children will have enough smarts to change the direction of the pendulum…maybe even stop it for a while at its zenith.
I am speaking in generalities here, but bear with me.
It started to go wrong after the ‘50’s when families needed two incomes to keep their heads above water never mind “keeping up with the Jones.” We needed bigger houses, two cars, and lots and lots of toys that American manufacturers provided and marketers became sophisticated.
The priorities our leaders demonstrated were often misplaced. Greed now taking root in our culture, moral relevance close behind, after all we have to “make it right” in our head.
The guiding light of human behavior often were religious based. Secular values by definition invalidates our traditional religious roots, fundamental of our culture. This secular movement I was aware of as a child. Attending Church, I often would skip, and noting, that I was doing wrong, but more and more were doing it, Always comfortable with doing what was wrong, I saw many didn’t, they would rather, …change things, so that wrong or right was no longer an issue, it simply didn’t apply. How convenient. I saw at this age of 7, 8 or 9. I saw it, first hand…and it all grew worse

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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