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Jim Allen

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OPINION: Why Efforts By Lawmakers in New York and D.C. to Add Third Sex on Drive
6/23/2017 12:47:32 PM

OPINION: Why Efforts By Lawmakers in New York and D.C. to Add Third Sex on Driver’s License is Absurd

Just when I thought things couldn’t get any crazier, yesterday, NBC News published a story entitled “Lawmakers in New York, D.C. Propose Third Sex on Driver’s Licenses.” To save you the trouble of reading it, the article is as crazy as it would appear by the title. Felix Ortiz, New York Assistant Speaker of the House, has proposed a bill that allows people to mark X instead of the traditional male or female sex. He stated, “Our governmental agencies should reflect the society we live in…While this change may seem small, it is a step forward to change the rigid mindset often faced by many today…Having an ID and paperwork that recognizes the full spectrum of our humanity will be a huge step toward full LGBTQ rights.”

This was followed by Brianne Nadeau, councilmember in the District of Columbia, also proposing that licenses issued in Washington, D.C. have the additional sex denomination of X added. In what one can only hope is a bad comedy routine, she stated, “Gender is a spectrum, and some of our residents do not identify as male or female…Current licenses force residents to conform to genders that don’t accurately reflect their identity. This has not only a practical impact but also a deeply negative emotional and mental health impact.”

Merriam-Webster defines sex as “either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures.” In other words, sex is what it is. To help define this a little more clearly, let’s look at what determines gender—chromosomes. According to biology-online, “In humans, there are two forms of sex chromosomes: the X chromosome and Y chromosome. A pair of X and Y results in a male while a combination of X and X results in a female.” So there you are, you either have a XX or XY pairing, which determines your sex.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: OPINION: Why Efforts By Lawmakers in New York and D.C. to Add Third Sex on Drive
6/23/2017 7:08:24 PM
why go through all that ****, damn it just call them its.

These so called law makers are so off the wall any more no wonder out world is so messed up.

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