If you have not checked this out lately...no better time than now. I just updated the graphic and link destinations since the new owners took over. It is now in good hands: Quote:
Hi ALP Friends,
Ken Wolff here with a little known secret to earning cash, and advertising credits at The Soaring Eagles! In addition to the credits from being active, the top 5 surfers daily will receive the following prizes:
~~~ TOP 5 SURFER'S REWARDS ~~~ 1ST PLACE: 0.03 cash/100 credits/150 banners/200 texts/250 sq banners 2ND PLACE: 0.02 cash/50 credits/100 banners/150 texts/200 sq banners 3RD PLACE: 0.01 cash/25 credits/50 banners/100 texts/150 sq banners 4TH PLACE: 0.00 cash/15 credits/25 banners/50 texts/100 sq banners 5TH PLACE: 0.00 cash/10 credits/15 banners/25 texts/50 sq banners Wait! There is more! Everyone who joins from the splash page you go to for credits will receive 100 credits when activating their account at The Soaring Eagles.
If you upgrade or make any purchase, I will give you a 1000 Credit Fast Start Bonus!