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Jim Allen

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Why,You should never start a forum without posting the first thread yourself.
5/18/2017 2:52:20 PM
Why,You should never start a forum without posting the first thread yourself.

Why,You should never start a forum without posting the first thread yourself.

Think about all that effort you just went through coming up with that awesome description of your forum and you made sure your link was there too, how precious is that?

Actually its useless if you failed to post the first thread validating that find forum description that was just ruined with a url and no first post.

Think about this for a moment. If you left this undone what are you leaving undone in your business and what good are you being to the team you are growing?

Look forward to your replies.

Note: I didn't hijack and post my own links here. Many others would have

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Diane Bjorling

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RE: Why,You should never start a forum without posting the first thread yourself.
5/18/2017 4:43:20 PM
Thanks for starting a great discussion Jim!

I hope that people will get in here to talk to you.

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