There aren’t many doctors in the world willing to risk their lives in order to find the cure for this deadly disease. The problem is not the disease itself, but the people who have created it. In recent articles the use of cannabis oil (THC) has been explored in the treatment of seizure, proving with literature that the oil can have a drastic and positive impact on patient quality of life. This cancer curing doctor was another victim found shot dead after the raid on his clinic.
Big Pharma companies and ‘sponsored’ medical practitioners would prefer you believe in pixie dust than alternative medicines. In recent times, the demonization of chiropractors has also been spotlighted, with the American Medical Association portraying them as quacks.
The suppression of medical science is a history backdating over decades. Coupled with the oddity of several medical researchers who were on the cusp of medical breakthroughs, meeting with unexpected and sometimes violent deaths, one’s curiosity is piqued, to say the least.