Uh Oh, Climatistas Have Lost the Antarctic PeninsulaThe climate scare movement is one fraught with exaggeration, outright lies, and cult-like devotion to the planet at the expense of man, progress, and even existence. Surely you’ve heard them say ‘man is a menace’.
 Remember Michael Mann, famous for the 100%-debunked, thoroughly reviled hockey stick theory? He caused a lot of confusion with that one, claiming he could trace the global Warming back to Medieval Times. Another climatista theory based on similar bad Mannian math is about to be extinguished, and, though we know it won’t stop the climate hysterics, it will prevent them from using warming on the Antarctic Peninsula as proof of anything. Al Gore will have to go elsewhere for his photo-ops.
The paper that spurred many alarmists was by Steig et al, “Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface since the 1957 International Geophysical Year”, Nature, Jan 22, 2009. As Anthony Watts writes in the well-respected blog Watt’s Up With That, it included some conspicuously errant Mannian math from the master of making trends out of noisy data himself. Well, that just went south, literally. What has happened is the climate changed back. What’s more is all of Antartica was never all warming. It was one place on the Antarctic Peninsula alone that was used to produce the theory all of Antartica was warming. And it just isn’t because the Steig et al. paper was wrong, writes Anthony Watts, it’s “because mother nature herself reversed the trend in actual temperature data in the Antarctic peninsula, and that one place where it was warming, was smeared over the entire continent by Mannian math to make it appear the whole of the Antarctic was warming”, Watt’s Up With That concludes. http://www.independentsentinel.com/uh-oh-climatistas-lost-antarctic-peninsula/