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One Thin Dime
2/16/2006 5:40:00 PM
Our parents were sorry, but it looked like we had to leave college and come home By Patricia S. Laye One day recently I visited a businessman�s office, and while we talked, I noticed that he constantly twirled a small paperweight with a dime in it. Curious, I asked him about it. He said, "When I was in college, my roommate and I were down to our last dime. He was on a scholarship, while I had earned my tuition by working in the cotton field and a grocery store. We were the first two members of our families to ever attend college, and our parents were extremely proud of us. Each month they sent us a small allowance to buy food, but one month our checks didn�t arrive. It was a Sunday, the fifth of the month, and between us we had one dime left. "We used the solitary dime to place a collect call to my home 500 miles away. My mother answered. I could tell from her voice that something was wrong. She said that my father had been ill and out of work, so there was simply no way they could send any money that month. I asked if my roommate�s check was in the mail. She said that she had talked with his mother. They also couldn�t raise the extra money that month either. They were sorry, but it looked like we�d have to come home. They had put off telling us, hoping for some solution." "Were you disappointed?" I asked. "Devastated. We both were. We had one month remaining to finish the year, then we could work all summer to earn our expenses. My grades were excellent, so I had been guaranteed a scholarship for the next term." "What did you do?" "When I hung up the telephone, we heard a noise and dimes started pouring out of the pay phone. We were laughing and holding out our hands to catch the money. Students walking down the hall thought we were crazy. We discussed taking the money and using it. Nobody would know what happened. But then we realized we couldn�t do that. You understand?" "Yes, but it would have been tough to return it." "Well, we tried. I called the operator back and told her what had happened." He smiled, remembering. "She said that the money belonged to the telephone company, so replace it in the machine. We did, over and over again, but the machine wouldn�t accept the dimes. "I finally told the operator that the dimes kept falling back out. She said that she didn�t know what else to do, but she�d talk to her supervisor. When she returned she said that we�d have to keep the money, because the company wasn�t going to send a man all the way out to the school just to collect a few dollars." He looked over at me and chuckled, but there was emotion in his voice. "We laughed all the way back to our dorm room. After counting the money, we had $7.20. We decided to use the money to buy food from a nearby grocery store and to go job hunting after class." "Did you find a job?" "Yes, we told the manager of the grocery store what had happened as we paid for our purchases with our dimes. He offered us both jobs beginning the next day. Our money bought enough supplies to last until our first paycheck." "You were both able to finish college?" "Yes, we worked for that man until we graduated. My friend went on to become a lawyer." He looked around him and said, "I graduated in business, then went on to start this company, which today is a multimillion-dollar corporation. My own children have attended college, as have my roommate's, but we were the first." "Is that one of your original dimes?" He shook his head. "No, we had to use those, but when I got my first paycheck, I saved a dime, which I carried all the way through college. I�ve kept it to remind me where I came from. When I count my blessings, I remember that once in my life, a single dime stood between me and the poverty my parents faced every day of their lives." "Did you ever meet the telephone operator or tell her how much that money meant to you?" "No, but when we graduated, my roommate and I wrote a letter to the local telephone company and asked if they wanted their money back. The president of the company wrote us a letter of congratulations and told us that he�d never felt the company�s money was better spent." "Do you think this was a fluke, or meant to be?" "I�ve thought about it often over the years. I wondered if the operator might have heard the fear in my voice; perhaps she prevented the machine from accepting the coins. Or maybe�it was an act of God." "You�ll never know for sure, will you?" He shook his head, touching the paperweight as if he drew strength from it. "No, but I�ll always remember that moment and that dime. I have repaid that debt many times over the years. I hope that I have helped someone else as much as a dime helped me." Marilyn L. Ali
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: One Thin Dime
2/16/2006 7:17:33 PM
Marilyn, This was a great story, thanks for inviting us to read it. There has been two occasions when a bank teller has given Billie or I an extra $100 bill. We would go into the bank and ask to see the president (we knew him personally) and tell him what had happened. Yes we could have kept it, but that is not our nature. Another time Billie sent me to a Kroger store to pick up a birthday cake for one of our Grandkids. When I gave the young checker a $100 bill she gave me back to much change. I asked her if she was sure she knew what she had just done and she said "Oh didn't I give you enough money back?" Then she proceded to give me more money. Again I asked her if she knew what she had just done, and she proceeded to give me more money. All told I was standing there with a receipt for the cake and $150 in cash! I asked her to call her manager. When the manager came I explained to her what had taken place. She was flabergasted! She straightened out the money, but I never found out if the young checker had a job after that. I guess there should be some kind of moral to this. You can go through life being "short changed, or you can go through life being long changed!
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Re: One Thin Dime
2/16/2006 8:15:14 PM
Hi Marilyn, That is a very inspiring story! It shows clearly that we should never give up. The answer might come in the next couple of seconds, or hours, or days, but if we give up, we'll never know. Thanks for sharing. God bless, Dave
Re: One Thin Dime
2/16/2006 8:41:18 PM
That's like with my isp.When I first signed up for DSL about a year ago,I was offered a free trial of their security software.Well I didn't like it and didn't plan on paying a monthly $6.00 for the AV software and $6.00 for the firewall,so I uninstalled it.IT wa my understanding that my agreemnt was needed to start charging me. After several months they sent me an email,because they couldn't get me on the phone(they could if they used a nunber I could see -not a unknown,or toll free number and no name!) see if I wanted to continue,because they couldn't charge me without my permission. Rcently,I noticed my bill was up $6.00 and when I enquired -guess what -after nearly a year,I was being charged for "Security Basic."When I complained,I was told that only I had access to the download area and "I" had to cancel it! I provided the id they wanted,but nothing wa sdone,so I sent ANOTHER email,explaining the above...and this time it WAS finally cancelled...but MORE...I was credited $21.35 and was appologized to and they told me they had forwarded my email to another dept. to make sure this did not happen again! *Of course,it may have helped that in the first email,I made it clear I was considering changing my long distance AND my DSL,since subsideries of the same company provide both(actually I di cahnge my long distance -because I'm a Cognigen rep - and it's time to start paying ME!)... Anyway,it just goes to show that it pays to speak up ! "Live long and prosper!" -Mr. Spock Star Trek(TOS)
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Re: One Thin Dime
2/16/2006 10:38:38 PM
Wonderful Story Marilyn, Thank you for sharing. Never give up!!! Patience and Confidence will move you forward every time. Love,

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