Most things, good things, that is, don't just happen. There are overnight sensations, of course, but, most people who get rich, become famous, gain power, get happy, lose weight, or meet the person of their dreams do so by planning and effort. Even lottery winners seldom just sat in their living room waiting for someone to stop by with the winning lottery ticket. If you want it, you've got to work for it, at least some of the work. Yes, some of us have special problems, situations, and conditions holding us back, slowing us down, sapping our will to do the necessary work, but, that's just an explanation of why we haven't gotten there yet. Bottom line, we are not going to "get there" without planning and effort. One of the most common obstacles to "success" by the way, is our own belief that we cannot achieve our goal or dream. Again, that belief is not necessarily true, but, many times, it's all it takes to keep us in our chairs, waiting for someone to drop by with the winning ticket, and complaining about how "unfair" life is, when nobody shows up.