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Who Else Wants Ginger?
2/16/2006 2:23:39 PM
Hi Everyone, Ginger is another great natural detox agent. You can make a great healing ginger root tea with lemon and honey. I like to add powdered ginger to my herb vinegar and honey detox tea. Powdered ginger is also good to add to the tub and take a soak in. Many fevers have been broken using this method. Here is to our health :-) Happy Healing, David
DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
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Cash Unlimited

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Re: Who Else Wants Ginger?
2/16/2006 2:58:24 PM
Thanks for the info HI, My company is Cash Unlimited, You added your name to my web site at , I wanted to welcome you to my web site and I hope you can find something that will fit your needs. There or many sites to choose from and some very good money making site to work with. Let me know if I can help in any way. Best of luck in the coming year . Cash Unlimited
My offer to you: When you get time take a look at my sites, Let me know which one you like BEST.
Dave Cottrell

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Re: Who Else Wants Ginger?
2/16/2006 3:10:31 PM
Hi David, It is amazing the things we can do to enhance and improve our health using natural products to boost or detox. The pharmaceuticals that are so commonly prescribed these days are often like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped. God bless, Dave
Re: Who Else Wants Ginger?
2/16/2006 9:18:46 PM
Hi David :) thanks for sharing, I love reading your forums, all great stuff. I have been into alternative for years and can agree with how good these things are!! Have a beautiful day!!:)
Cheri Merz

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Re: Who Else Wants Ginger?
2/16/2006 9:20:48 PM
Hi, David Good to hear from you. For a minute I thought you meant Ginger of Gilligan's Island. I always liked Mary Anne better, but I guess that's cause I'm a girl, lol. Seriously, my grandmother used to brew ginger tea for me a century or so ago when I was entering puberty. It was good for cramps. Those aren't happy memories, lol. Maybe it would taste better to me without the associations. I'll have to try it with lemon and honey...that does sound good. Cheri