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Greenzap. Scam. or not? Maybe not.....
4/6/2005 6:18:32 PM
Hello everyone. There has been a lot said in these Adlandpro forums about Greenzap At first, after doing a few checks, I too thought this. Now, after doing a lot more extensive research & talking to a lot of people, I am under the impression that this could be the new 'Paypal' of 2005. Not only is there a lot of interest being shown, (even the 'Big Dogs' are now pushing it hard.) but today I received an email from Greenzap Saying, well I will print it here. --------------------------------------------- With over 5 million hits to our site in just 3 days, the GreenZap community has zapped around the world in record time! Because you are doing such a fantastic job expanding your GreenZap community, it has become necessary for us to upgrade our IT systems. We are currently experiencing a system overload- nearly 10 Megabits of inbound site traffic to be exact and that's a ton!! This is an unexpected issue and we are currently working with Dell and Cisco to resolve the overload. We anticipate the equipment to be up and running in full capacity by the beginning of next week. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to GreenZap!! Keep up the good work! Have a Zappy Day!! --------------------------------------------- At first I thought, Oh Yeah! However, a few moments ago I received a phone call from Greenzap To inform me of the same thing. I don't know about you, but I have never received a phone call from a legitimate business when they are having server troubles, & con sites just vanish to never be heard of again. So, I do not have any trouble in saying that this Greenzap opportunity does seem to be the real thing. Click on any link above & use the code "frodo" (without the "") Sign-up free & get $25.00 sent to you when they go live. it costs nothing & if you do get $25.00 Well, you will be upset if you didn't sign-up now while it is still free. If the overloading problem with the site is still happening, just try at another time, or wait until after the weekend, but I would not wait to long.
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Re: Greenzap. Scam. or not? Maybe not.....
4/7/2005 1:19:56 PM
Hi, I don't know why you started a new thread? What was wrong with posting to the main forum? No one has come back to us yet with an address, plenty have said they have had phone calls or spoken to someone high up in GreenZap. But still no concrete evidence of its existence other than a website or the odd email or phone call. Come on you can do better than this! By the way has anyone upgraded by depositing $100 dollars yet to get extra commission on signups? I thought not! Best Wishes John.
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Re: Greenzap. Scam. or not? Maybe not.....
4/7/2005 3:42:35 PM
Dang...another day late. Sorry Babba, a sweet young lady beat you to it at Ryze. Can't refuse a pretty face. Besides, you haven't confirmed me as your friend about that. Paste: into the add friend box please...Thank you, Aloha... Hopefully, you'll come over and straighten this little oversight up :) How you both doing, healthwise? Good I hope. Friends, Tony
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Re: Greenzap. Scam. or not? Maybe not.....
4/8/2005 6:20:01 PM
If you did ANY research on GreenZap, you'd find that you can't upgrade and deposit $100 in your account. On June 1, 2005 you will be able to access your GreenZap account to Send, Spend and Receive money to and from anyone in the world. Until then, you will be able to increase your GreenZap community and be rewarded in the process. GreenZap is in PRE-Launch! Here is the FAQ page. Read it. What is Greenzap? GreenZap is a brand new alternative to other online payment systems. This system is backed by major banks, and offers incredible security and flexibility when purchasing or receiving payments online. GreenZap is also less expensive to merchants looking to accept payments online, and also offers dramatic monetary rewards for people who choose to sign up and refer other members to use the service. How much does GreenZap Cost? Establishing a GreenZap account is free! You pay only a small transaction fee of $1.00 whenever you receive money from another Greenzap member. How Can GreenZap afford to give everyone $25.00 and pay us for referring others? How Can GreenZap afford to give everyone $25.00 and pay us for referring others? The online payment industry is a very lucrative business. Billions of dollars are transacted everyday through online payment services like GreenZap. Unlike other online payment systems GreenZap is looking to share the wealth to create customer loyalty and word of mouth advertising, so we pay you to use our service, and to refer others instead of paying to advertise on television, in magazines, and on the Internet. What is a GreenZap Gold Account? Are there any fees? GreenZap Gold accounts are accounts where members have added at least $100.00 to their account to be used for online purchases. The funds can also be accessed from the GreenZap Gold MasterCard®. If you choose to have a GreenZap Gold MasterCard® you pay a small monthly fee of only $3.00 for the convenience of making payments anywhere MasterCard® is accepted. You are not required to have a GreenZap Gold MasterCard® to have a GreenZap Gold account. How Can I get more information on GreenZap? The easiest way to get more information is to simply call (301) 776-1490, and your questions will be answered by one of our members who is experienced with answering questions.
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Re: Greenzap. Scam. or not? Maybe not.....
4/16/2005 3:10:41 AM
GreenZap site is now BACK UP! They installed new servers to handle all the traffic. If you want to register & get your $25.00, here is my URL: -- Don't worry, you don't have to give any financial information. There is a Q & A section -- check out the tab at the front of the main page. If you want more information about GreenZap, check out their press release. I pasted it below: GREENZAP LAUNCHES SITE WITH PRE-REGISTRATION PHASE! Monday April 11, 8:22 pm ET LA JOLLA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--April 11,, a consumer-based online buying and spending account service, launched its site this week with a pre-registration phase. GreenZap, the new dot com-er on the block, aims to compete directly with big dog "PayPal®," eBay's® online payment processor. A GreenZap spokesperson said, "The GreenZap brand is fresh and fun and gives consumers a viable, low-cost choice for sending and receiving money online." GreenZap anticipates capturing a large percentage of the existing online spending community, but sees its brand and messaging appealing to a new generation of online spenders who simply want to use their account for "fun" spending. GreenZap members can send money to anyone around the world as long as they have an email address. Members can spend money purchasing goods and services from other GreenZap members or from other popular sites, including eBay® and Yahoo® Auctions. Members can load money to their GreenZap account for spending or earn money by telling others about GreenZap. During the pre-registration phase, GreenZap is rewarding consumers with $25 in their account for signing up. The account is free and there are no set-up charges. GreenZap will be launching early this summer.
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