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New Community Members ~ Let's Network! #JazLive
2/21/2017 10:49:59 PM
I am an OPEN Networker; love to share solid promotion sites that are FREE

For the past dozen years, I have coached (my enthusiastic encouragement)
scores of connections to explore the Internet and collect what interests
him/her; and publish a site of his/her interest(s) ...

Where does one find people to visit his/her published site?
Traffic Exchanges (members view members sites for FREE advertising)

Recommend ts25 for instant load of site(s) you want to promote ~ FREE

<---- click to join, I am offering
1,000 (one thousand) of my own CE's to 5 (five)
community members ... when you sign-up
comment with your "user name" --- ONLY
not your 'pass word'

I have referrals from other communities & I want to
gift 5 Adlandpros ... just because this is my favorite
networking community


* Your Published site


* splash pages
* referral links
* blogs
* business site
* social profile
* other URLs
RE: New Community Members ~ Let's Network! #JazLive
2/23/2017 3:22:42 AM
Consider placing your ads in Adlandpro's

I viewed community member Paula Frye website, in
Adlandpro's Traffic Exchange

Let's Network
$$$ Community Members ~ Let's Network! #JazLive #FREE $$$
4/14/2017 12:58:36 AM
AdlandPro Traffic Exchange (TE)

Place FREE AdlandPro Classified

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