Mexico Now Refusing To Accept Trump Deportees, Hold That America Must Provide Payment Instead
Things all brings us back to president Donald Trump, a man who has been labeled as a “racist” ever since he ran on a platform of secure borders (which Mexico has), only legal immigration (which Mexico demands), and for Mexico to take back their criminals that are called criminals not because they are Mexican….BUT BECAUSE THEY ARE CRIMINALS! Well, today it comes to light that Mexico must be just as “racist” towards these criminals because, just like Donald Trump, Mexico does not want them back.Those deported from the U.S. who are Mexican nationals (citizens) are about to overwhelm the Mexican system, it seems. Is that not the most the most interesting thing? When the United States says that they are overwhelmed, those saying it are called a bigot. However, when Mexico says that the very same people are going to be overwhelming, they are to get some grand sympathy, complete with violins. Criminals from Mexico who are deported may harm the Rio Grande Valley’s economy when they arrive. Did Mexico care if they harmed the U.S. economy. Tamaulipas President of the Chamber of Commerce, Julio Cesar Almanza Arma even had the audacity to say that if America forces Mexico to accept back THEIR OWN CITIZENS that “the economy of the Rio Grande Valley will take a hit,”….but wait. Were we not told that focusing on the economics of housing criminals that are not even from our own country with tax dollars that we do not have and can’t afford was racist and mean-spirited? So here we are again; if the Rio Grande Valley’s economy dies in Mexico, then bring back the violins, but if the Mexicans have their economy devastated by these same people then they shut up and pay.