‘Become a suicide bomber!’: Trident whistleblower says artist’s spoof Navy ads are accurate
Spoof Royal Navy recruitment posters, which claim sailors on board Britain’s nuclear submarines are effectively suicide bombers, have won the approval of Trident safety and security whistleblower William McNeilly. The posters point out that if a Trident submarine actually launched its nuclear missiles it would very likely be destroyed in a counterattack. This, they claim, makes nuclear submariners little more than suicide bombers, whose job is to kill millions of civilians. The satirical posters have appeared at bus stops across London. The campaign is the brainchild of artist Darren Cullen, whose past works have included the ‘Action Man: Battlefield Casualties’ series and ‘Pocket Money Loans.’ His work has the endorsement of Veterans for Peace UK. https://alethonews.wordpress.com/2017/02/03/become-a-suicide-bomber-trident-whistleblower-says-artists-spoof-navy-ads-are-accurate/