There are real and substantive things happening in the lives of Americans and real and substantive things being decided by Donald Trump, but the press is playing at third grade insult humor over size mattering while the left is beclowning itself in the streets. The American press corps really does not deserve the liberty it enjoys because it has used it recklessly, with open bias against once side, and has abandoned all pretenses of fairness. Maybe having Donald Trump relentlessly pound the crap out of the press corps for four years will finally knock some sense into the circle of jerks who make up the political press. There are so many threats to freedom and so many troubling things coming and the press would rather trade insults with the President and openly cheer on his opposition.
You’ve Got to be Freaking Kidding Me In Georgia, Florida, and Alabama dozens died and thousands were left homeless because of terrible storms. While all of this was happening the American press corps was focused on men and women wearing vagina hats marching in the streets and on the size of crowds. At least Donald Trump got more women exercising in one day than Michelle Obama did in eight years.