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Jim Allen

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Holliday Takes A Holiday and Bocelli Can't See Singing For Inauguration After Re
1/15/2017 4:42:15 PM

You simply can't fix stupid!

Holliday Takes A Holiday and Bocelli Can't See Singing For Inauguration After Receiving Threats From Hollywood’s Vicious Left

Sadly, Hollywood is now using the very same black-listing techniques they decried during the McCarthy period. If you even sing for the inauguration of a president you will be black-balled.

In essence the Hollywood elite are asking, “Are you now, or have you ever been a supporter of Donald Trump? All you have to do to clear your name is give us the names of five performers who supported Trump, and you will have proven your loyalty.”

So how does one fix a country this divided? You don’t. Instead one does the right thing. Whatever the cost’ we are required to soldier on. Many of our founding fathers spent every penny they had on the American revolution. Many never recovered their wealth some even died in poverty, but counted it a blessing to have been there. They were willing to pay the price. As we can see that spirit is not necessarily alive and well in much of America today.

The problem is that we have fallen for the lie, that politics, is about compromise. It is not. Does the left ever compromise? Republicans were not even allowed in the meetings when the ObamaCare lie was being constructed. Good cannot compromise with evil. What fellowship hath light with darkness, as the scripture says.

My advice to both performers and those on the right. Forget the left. We have no obligation to please them or include them. One cannot bring the country together by Hegelian compromise. Do what is right and righteous. Make decisions based on eternal principles, not the caprice of popular sentiment. Demand adherence to the Constitution in both the courts and in legislation and make the country work – or Trump says – make America Great Again – and the disaffected and alienated will come on board. If they don’t - let the train leave without them. You simply can't fix stupid!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Chuck Bartok

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RE: Holliday Takes A Holiday and Bocelli Can't See Singing For Inauguration After Re
1/15/2017 7:15:16 PM
Why do we actually promote this......
These poor souls live for publicity and if we did not play into their narcissist games they would wither away to obscurity.
This kind of talent, singing and acting is in great supply globally.
The ones we see and hear about of a chosen select few ho knew how to play the game, not necessarily the most talented.
Chuck & Shirley Bartok Northern California 530-798-0245
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Holliday Takes A Holiday and Bocelli Can't See Singing For Inauguration After Re
1/15/2017 7:54:02 PM
Hi Jim,

Darn it this is when fear is your master. This is exactly what they want to do is keep people in fear. So we must go along with are daily lives and not worry about these people. Don't we have the greatest teacher with us at all times. Let's get some faith in the Almighty and forget about these people, sooner or later they will be gone.

REmember Jill saying Love Is the Answer. Well it surely it. God is Love.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Holliday Takes A Holiday and Bocelli Can't See Singing For Inauguration After Re
1/15/2017 7:55:10 PM
surely is our answer...............LOVE

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