
Devasish Gupta

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A Simple Way to Calm Down and Feel Better...
12/20/2016 4:52:22 PM

A Simple Way to Calm Down and Feel Better...

Neuroinstructor and brain training expert Mark Waldman is one of the world’s leading experts on spirituality and the brain, and he has some simple advice for those experiencing unease and tension: Yawn.

No, we're not ignoring you--that's the advice!

When you yawn several times in succession, your brain releases chemicals that dampen the fight or flight response mechanism of the Amygdala. According to Mark, yawning relaxes you faster than any other method of which we are currently aware.

Mark is on the faculty at the prestigious College of Business at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, where he teaches people how to rapidly identify behaviors and beliefs that hold them back from achieving their fullest potential in work and relationships.

His extraordinary NeuroWisdom product empowers the user to transform those old habits into practical strategies to achieve their goals.

>>Click Here To Learn More!

Time Magazine, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Oprah Magazine, USA Today, PBS and dozens of other publications and broadcasts have spotlighted his cutting-edge research. His recent national bestseller, "How God Changes Your Brain," was chosen as one of Oprah Winfrey’s "9 'Must-Read' books for 2012."

On Your Mark, Get Set, Get!

We have shared in the past that achieving your dreams has little to do with New Year's resolutions, birthday wishes or throwing pennies into the bottom of a well or fountain.

The reality is IT EXISTS WITHIN YOU.

On the Brain-A-Thon, we want to show you how to unlock this power that may be resting dormant within you. If YOU are ready...

>>Register today to learn how to retrain your brain for success and the life of your dreams:

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