Every Brokerage and Bank Account FROZEN! The Government’s IceNine Plan Revealed...
I’ve just unveiled a 100% true nightmare scenario that could strike any day now…
One where you try to log into your brokerage account to see how your portfolio’s fairing…
But you receive a disturbing error message...

Your heart stops for a second. You hit refresh. Same message.
It can’t be…
You click furiously to get over to your bank's website, and decide to log into your online bank account to see what’s happening to your money market account…
A chill comes over you — another error message:

These error messages could start appearing sooner than you or any other American thinks.
They're part of a little-known government plan to solve one of the world’s biggest problems…
You still have a small window of time to prepare.
Do NOT deposit another dollar in your brokerage or bank account until you read this urgent warning.
BREAKING: The Government’s “Ice-Nine” Plan Revealed...
I’ve just uncovered a coordinated world-wide plan to freeze EVERYTHING you own.
Your savings account… FROZEN (you won’t be able to withdraw anything.)
Your brokerage account… FROZEN (you won’t be able to sell anything.)
Your retirement account… FROZEN (all that “safe” money you thought you had will be gone.)
Your money market account… safe deposit box… bank-owned vault…
It’s 100% true... and could be coming to your bank SOON.
I’ve detailed all of this in a brand-new book that I want to send to you for free.
Click here now to learn how to claim your copy while supplies last.
Please hurry, my research shows this lock-down plan could be implemented at any moment.
Do NOT deposit another dollar in your bank account until you read THIS.
Strange new warnings are appearing on ATMs across the country…
Here’s a snapshot of one I took:
And while this looks like a routine, legal-disclaimer… there’s a frightening development in the works…
One that will FREEZE all of your dollar assets in their accounts and not let you access them.
I’m issuing an urgent new warning today.
Click here now to read the urgent details.
You can’t afford to wait.
Jim Rickards