Like all things in the Middle East, it comes down to oil and natural gas.In 2009, the nations of Qatar and Saudi Arabia wanted to build a pipeline through Syria to export natural gas to Europe. While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton feverishly backed the plan and hoped it would undermine Russia, which supplies 40 percent of the EU’s natural gas. But Syrian President Bashar Assad refused to let them build their pipeline through his country. His decision was a death sentence for thousands of innocent people. In August 2011, Assad agreed to build a different pipeline supported by Russia. By that December, U.S. special operations forces were already on the ground. They planned “to commit guerrilla attacks, assassination campaigns, try to break the back of the Alawite [Assad] forces, elicit collapse from within,” according to an e-mail from a private intelligence official, released by WikiLeaks in 2012. Assad is a brutal dictator. But his repressive regime also kept Muslim fundamentalists from turning his country into a terrorist Islamic theocracy, and he had always protected the nation’s historic Christian minority. Toppling him gave ISIS a global base of operations, and has led to the loss of tens of thousands of lives. Why would anyone support such a bloody policy? The nations that stand to benefit from the original pipeline – Qatar and Saudi Arabia – are both major Clinton Foundation donors. The Clintons admit that Saudi Arabia – the world’s leading supporter of radical Islam – has given their foundation at least $10 million, possibly as much as $25 million