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Jim Allen

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Clarence Thomas, Part II A Response to #theCommunityWall
10/14/2016 4:20:39 PM
I am posting this in reference to a post on #theCommunityWall which can be read here I take issue with the use of Anita Hill as some sort of beacon of Sexual Harassment. Anita Hill was not telling the truth ladies. Women she worked with corroborates Thomas, not Hill.

Clarence Thomas, Part II

By Thomas Sowell

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Email this article | All that many people know about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas are the accusations against him by Anita Hill during his confirmation hearings in 1991.

However, such subsequent events as the "rape" accusations against Duke University students last year and, before that, a similar hoax in the Tawana Brawley case, have belatedly demonstrated how mindless it is to automatically accept accusations, as many in the media did with Anita Hill.

Now, with the recent publication of Justice Thomas' memoir, "My Grandfather's Son," Anita Hill has surfaced again in the media to repeat her accusations.

The time is long overdue to take a hard look at hard facts, so that we can put those accusations in the garbage can, where they belong.

The first of these hard facts is that, contrary to what has been repeated so often in the media, it was not just a question of what "he said" versus what "she said."

A whole phalanx of female witnesses who had worked with both Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill came out in support of him at his confirmation hearings.

One of those witnesses went out of her way to point out that the image that Anita Hill projected on television bore no resemblance to the behavior and attitudes of either Anita Hill or Clarence Thomas that she had seen with her own eyes

Here we go again with the Liberal Progressive use of make believe and made up facts used to support their causes of the moment. Make your mind up! On the one hand you call this RAP and Hippity Hop stuff that degrades women literally have you seen any recent video music? Ladies your false hypocritical show of an insulted female is noted.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Chuck Bartok

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RE: Clarence Thomas, Part II A Response to #theCommunityWall
10/14/2016 4:58:11 PM
This is all typical of a "Party", or Political Organization, that KNOW they cannot stand on principle and have NOTHING to show regarding positive growth or moral ethics.

Again, I constantly remind, especially the Baby Boomer and younger generations, to heed these prophetic words written in 1938.

The devil has his minions personified with the Alinski followers, such as Obama and Clinton.
Listen carefully and share:
Outwitting the Devil
Chuck & Shirley Bartok Northern California 530-798-0245

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