Hi Samantha,
No problem. :-)
What Adlandpro meant is, you have to delete one of your own forums in order to create another. If you are a free member, you have only one forum, so that's not an option.
There are two things you can do; one is to simply create another thread. You can create as many threads in your forum as you like.
If you want to occasionally make sure all your friends are still aware of or know about your forum, you can click on
FORUMS in the left side of your screen, then go to the link to your forum, click edit, and then go through it without changing anything. When it gets to the part where you can notify all your friends, just check that and go through to the end.
This will send a new notification out as if you had just created the forum. You can also change the title if you think of a better one without changing anything else.
I hope this helps you. If you have any questions, email me and I'll be happy to help.
God bless,