There are many Cholesteatoma Good ENT Specialist in Chennai Georgia based surgeons available to whom your doctor will refer you to. A modern surgical method using small cameras is called Otoendoscopy maximizes the possibility of the surgeon removing the entire cyst from its exact location; minimizing the need for follow-up surgery.
An Otolaryngologist will also be able to help patients suffering from various thyroid disorders. A patient who exhibits nodules, cysts or tumors on the thyroid glands would previously have undergone surgery for their removal. However, the more modern and non-invasive approach being used is an ethanol thyroid treatment. Studies have shown that this simple procedure where ethanol is injected directly into the cyst causes the nodule to shrink. In many cases follow-up injections have not been necessary and surgery has been successfully avoided. This ethanol injection procedure is called Ethanol Scleropothy and has been shown to work on smaller cysts and nodules.
Patients who suffered from growths or benign tumors on the thyroid or parathyroid until the early 1990's had no alternatives to surgery available. Thyroid surgery has always carried a number of operative and post-operative risks as the thyroid is very close to the vocal cords and could result in damage or even paralysis of the vocal cords. Prior to the 1990's, surgeons would open the neck of the affected patient and attempt to find the affected gland. However, there are now more advanced methods of conducting a preferable and minimally invasive parathyroid surgery, called MIRP (minimally invasive radio guided parathyroidectomy). This modern surgery enables surgeons to identify the affected gland or glands out of the four which we possess and remove only the affected areas, thus minimizing the risks and taking only twenty minutes to complete under conscious sedation.