Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew) (The Best Years in Life) During the recent Olympics in Rio, a segment on TV had two reporters eating and raving about Feijoada, a black bean stew dish that is a Brazilian favorite. We choose a very highly rated recipe from the AllRecipes site and made a few healthy substitutions and suggestions. This is certainly a meaty dish (sorry vegans!) and thus the key to making it healthy will be choosing the right kinds of meats. After all, It isn't meats that make a dish unhealthy, it's the kind of meats! Where possible go with organic and/or additive free meats and you will be doing your health a big favor. You will almost assuredly be doing your taste buds a big favor and may well find your self raving about this dish like the reporters at the Olympics. http://www.tbyil.com/Feijoada.htm For more delicious and healthy recipes, please visit: http://www.tbyil.com/healthy_recipes.htm