Digideal2u !!! Digideal2u !!! Digideal2u !!! Digideal Is a USA based registered, legal Company having office and now working in INDIA. Digideal2u give us 50% Binary and 10% direct with 5% spill Income. Digideal2u !!! Digideal2u !!! Digideal2u !!! INDIA Launched RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY 50% Binary 10% Direct 15% Return - 20 Weeks Digideal2u USA BASED COMPANY BANK ACCOUNTS IN 1) USA 2) BELGIUM 3) SINGAPORE 4) INDIA DIGIDEAL2U is unique and powerful concept. Digideal2u give us a opportunity to earn money from Weekly activity and the attractive part 1) NON WORKING INCOME 2)15% Return 20 Weeks* 3) Joining $100/$200/$300* 4) Weekly $15 /$30 /$45* 5) WORKING INCOME* 6)BINARY 50% (2.1 or 1.2)* 7)Daily Capping* . *100$/200$/300$* 8)Direct 10%* 9) Placement 5%* 10) PAYMENT PROCESS : a) BITCOIN b) INR c) WEBMONEY d) NETELLER 11) MINIMUM. WITHDRAWAL : 1950 RS (30$)* 12) Bank Withdrawal deduction a)10.3% TDS and b) 5% Services Charge* 13) REGISTRATION :- Click anyone Direct joining link http://www.digideal2u.com/reffer_registration.aspx?1012646 Ya http://www.digideal2u.com/reffer_registration.aspx?1998486