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All That Jaz
7/16/2016 4:44:47 AM

Riding of the $uccess of JazLive

I formerly published on a site called Qassia
The following photo is one stamped by the site that no longer exist

Riding on the $ucce$$ of

I use to publish on Qassia changed to Qondio and now
No Longer Exist

is the 1st publication of my viral article

"Thank You Stupidvisor"

Published on ApSense 2nd and right here in
Adlandpro ... 3rd


I am done networking on-line for the rest of the day

Now getting ready network

Gettin' Better by the Tic Toc
RE: All That Jaz ~ Free to Join ~ Boost your site Visitors
9/5/2016 11:59:09 AM
Free to join: FollowLike

Earned 1704 coins for adding SEO link to my blog today ~~

$$$ ~ SEO links are published above "Visitor Counter Box" at JazLive

300 Coin Signup • 400 Coins Per Referral • $0.15 Per Referral • Earn Cash

$$$ FollowLike $$$

Are you a marketing dinosaur?
9/6/2016 5:09:48 AM
by Jim Connolly

How well do you understand digital marketing and is it providing you with regular, high quality clients or sales?

I was thinking about this recently, when a friend drove me into Lincoln for lunch. We’re around the same age [I’m 50 in a few weeks]. I noticed his car radio was on a station, which plays tunes from the 1980’s and 1990’s. He explained that he only listens to oldies. If you ask people over the age of 45 what they tend to listen to, you’re likely to be told something similar.

It’s as if some people reach a certain age and then close their mind to new musical influences.

Worryingly, I find that many business owners have a similar attitude when it comes to digital marketing.

And it’s losing them a fortune.


Jan aka Jaz agree and DID NOT SIGN-UP nor

hire Jim, his article is agreeable; however, like

many of us WE are also LQQKing to be hired

for our products, services, ...

In the 11+ years, I have been networking online,

I have not found anything to be reliable to invest my

time and money into ~~ outside of myself.

So, I just continue to test 'Free Offerings' online,

predominately those opportunities to show my

published site to, others, i.e., FollowLike

Over 23 million LIVE Exchanges & counting

This site connects users from many social communities

$$$ FollowLike $$$

Anyone a Member of V7N ~ Community?
9/8/2016 12:03:50 PM

I joined today

V7N ~ Community

Here is my community profile link

This is a webmaster forum and another site that shows members'website ...

I am LQQKing for Adlandpros

Created a New Meaning for JAZ!
9/9/2016 7:58:02 PM
Not sure how long this is going to last

... just created a new meaning for JAZ

Vote: JAZ stands for Jesus Altruis Zone
Computer Networking
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