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Craftie Linda

1349 Posts
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Person Of The Week
2/9/2006 11:32:40 AM
Phone call from Ernesto the caretaker "Hello, Senor Lucky? This is Ernesto, the caretaker at your country house." "Ah yes, Ernesto. What can I do for you? Is there a problem?" "Um, I am just calling to advise you, Senor that your parrot died. "My parrot? Dead? The one that won the International competition?" "Si, Senor, that's the one." "Damn! That's a pity! I spent a small fortune on that bird. "What did he die from?" "From eating rotten meat, Senor" Rotten meat? Who the hell fed him rotten meat?" "Nobody, Senor. He ate the meat of the dead horse." "Dead horse? What dead horse?" "The thoroughbred, Senor Lucky. He died from all that work pulling the water cart" "Are you insane? What water cart?" "The one we used to put out the fire, Senor" "Good Lord! What fire are you talking about, man?" "The one at your house, Senor! A candle fell and the curtains caught on fire." "What the.....!!! But! there's electricity at the house!!! What was the candle for?" "For the funeral, Senor." "WHAT BLOODY FUNERAL?!" "Your wife's, Senor...She showed up one night out of the blue and I thought she was a thief, so I hit her with your new Tiger Woods Nike Driver." SILENCE................... "Ernesto if you broke that driver, you're in deep ****!
Sue Lester

148 Posts
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Re: Caretaker
2/9/2006 12:00:05 PM
this really appeals to my warped sense of humour.... what would we do without you! Keep them coming Sue x
Re: Caretaker
2/9/2006 12:18:08 PM
Hi Craftie thats pretty good, I can always use some humor. Here for your success, Greg Hastings International Marketing Director Glendale, Az. USA 623.298.7938
For every Adversity there is A Seed of Greater Benefit
Douglas Grounds

334 Posts
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Re: Caretaker
2/9/2006 12:23:44 PM
Good one Linda I think Ill forward it to some friends.
Douglas Grounds
Bryan Backstrom

57 Posts
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Re: Caretaker
2/9/2006 12:49:17 PM
Hi Linda, Never saw that one coming!! LOL Bryan
Bryan Backstrom Extreme Team Leader Enviro-Max Plus

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