Hi, my name is Rheal Charette If you are like me your Pets are part of the family and should be protected from harm. What I am talking about is those nasty Parasites it's so easy for you pet to get infected, Example, dog going for walk,playing in the park, hunting, going to the vets,going to the dog kennel,the possibility are endless. So why would you not want to protect your pet first and not wait till they are infected. The good news is science has finally advanced to the point where you can protect your pets from fleas and tick in the long run without poisoning them. to watch the short video about the Pet Protector Disc a product that fully repels Fleas,Ticks and also Mosquitoes for an incredible 4 year period and 100%chemical-free! Sincerely Rheal Charette Skype ID the1bhive