In the book 'Think and Grow Rich' Napoleon Hill describes the two kind of Imaginations, the Synthetic and the Creative. The Synthetic that let us work on a task. Just like a puzzle with a fixed number of pieces in front of us. We can put the pieces together in anyway we would like. We can even cut the pieces and clue them together as we would like. But the limitation is that we only have those pieces in front of us to work with. The Creative cant live without the Synthetic. As we work the Synthetic, the Creative will drop brand new pieces in front of us. If our eyes are open we will see these new pieces. If we don't act upon these new pieces, they will quickly disappear again. And we will have lost the opportunity to build something truly great like the light bulb or the Mentoring For Free system. To have these brand new pieces break loose and appear in front of you. You will need a conscious exceedingly vibrating mind like the emotion of a strong desire. The only way to do that. Make a plan and repeatedly take action on that plan using your Synthetic Imagination. So as Napoleon Hill writes "Center your attention, for the time being, on the development of the synthetic imagination, because this is the faculty which you will use more often in the process of converting desire into money." and the Creative Imagination will show it self automatically. Martin Staunfeldt, Denmark PS. please like and comment