
Devasish Gupta

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Is Your Inner GPS Turned On? Accessing Your Inner Navigation System...
3/29/2016 3:29:35 PM
Is Your Inner GPS Turned On? Accessing Your Inner Navigation System...

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you had a kind of built-in GPS system like many cars and cellphones do these days?

Imagine knowing where you want go in life, and then simply setting off toward your goal—that might even be years away—able to trust your inner GPS to guide you through every twist and turn until you get where you want to go.

If you had something like that inside you, it would probably solve at least half the difficulties we all have as human beings:

Trying to figure out where we’re meant to go, how to get there, and wondering if what we’re doing at any given time is even helping us reach our destination.

Well, the truth is that you do have something inside you that is in many ways far better than a simple GPS system.

The only problem is that no one has ever taught you how to connect to it…until now.

One of the most respected and revered scientific and spiritual luminaries in the world, our friend Dr. Jean Houston, is going to be holding her free online event where she’ll show you how to connect to your inner GPS…

And once you know how to access it, it will not only help you discover what you’re truly meant to do in your life—it will tell you how to get there from where you are right now.

Attend Jean Houston’s Online Training Event at No Charge and Discover Your Life’s Purpose:

Don’t miss this chance to be trained by Jean, as she shares with you her proven process for transforming your life by discovering what you’re truly meant to do.

And instead of feeling tired and bored, and often simply filling your time with activities like social media and television…

You’ll wake up every morning glad to be alive, excited to get to work and explore the possibilities that arise during the course of your day.

Join Jean for Her ‘The 3 Keys To Discovering Your Life’s Purpose’ Online Event – at No Charge:

P.S. Here’s what a few of those who attended previous events with Jean have said about how their lives have changed:

“Since attending the event, I’ve been receiving many new opportunities. They have literally been coming to me without my needing to go out and seek them. And I feel like the people I’ve been aligning with are part of my ‘tribe,’ people who want to affect the world in a big and positive way!”
Tara, Barcelona

“I have a much more empowered relationship with life. I no longer consider myself a victim of circumstances. I now know and feel in all my being that the power is within me, and I am deeply supported to create the life I love and leave my footprint!”
Anna, Mexico City

“I took the traumas of my life—the death of my son, divorce after 36 years, a huge health challenge, and bankruptcy—and turned them into opportunities for growth. What I saw as wounds turned into portals for the new self to appear!”
Therese, Florida

Experience these same kinds of transformations in your own life by attending this special global online event:

Accept this Ticket to Jean’s Upcoming Online Event and Attend at No Charge:

Jean’s highly acclaimed Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose 7-Week Online Course

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