
Wally Pieper

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Will Your Prospect Be A Quitter?
3/1/2016 5:45:58 PM

Here's A Simple Test To Find Out Fast...

So why do some people fail in this industry?

On the surface this may seem like a very simple question that could be answered by a few of the obvious reasons...

They quit.

They didn't plug in.

They didn't participate.


What you want to ask yourself, or maybe even know about yourself, is WHY...

WHY didn't they follow through, while others do?

When I finally learned the answer to this question, it was quite sobering...

Not only did the reason behind their results come into the open, but the reason for my recent spate of success became apparent as well.

So what's the answer?

Why do most people fail when a select few succeed?

Drum roll please...

Those who do succeed have a Core Desire to do so.

Those who don't share that same Core level of desire will not.

"Desire... I've already heard that 100 times from my upline: 'Just look for people with desire and you'll do great... Yada Yada Yada... Everyone I talk to has the desire to make more money. It hasn't made any difference so far."

And you're right.

The difference is in their level of desire.

The only time anything ever gets done in your life … when you follow it through to completion with a sense of urgency, is when you desire to accomplish that task at Core Level of 100 on a scale of 100.

You must accomplish it. It's a part of you. It consumes you.

It dominates your thoughts above and beyond anything else each day and all day.

These are Core desires, and the people who achieve notable success in network marketing, have that accomplishment as a core desire.

They are the ones you see on stage and hear on the training calls.

That's it.

That's the secret.

If attaining your goal, whether it be to pay off your credit cards, buy a house, save for retirement, or fire your boss, is not a core desire, and not attached to your networking business, you will not succeed. Period.

The sad truth, is that most people in this industry did not buy a business, they bought hope.

And hope is never backed by true desire.

Hope is for the undecided.

A career in network marketing (i.e. a boss free life), became a core desire of mine far too late in my working career. (Too old soon, too late smart)

And this means my success was totally guaranteed. It was no longer a matter of IF, but when...

So that's why people you sponsor quit.

Don't get frustrated. 80% of people who join you will never sponsor more than 1 rep or customer. Most people simply don't have the desire at a level of 100 to accomplish their goals through their new business. They just bought hope in order to quiet that little voice inside them that keeps nagging them to make a change.

Once they buy the business, and they don't make $1,000 in 5 days, they can then justify their fear of change with the "logic" that it just "didn't work", and that they knew it was a scam to begin with... This is especially true with opportunity seekers, which is why I don't waste my money on leads and why you shouldn't either.


So sad, yet so true. People are funny aren't they?

So my question to you is...

What is your desire level to achieve your goal through network marketing?

Is it at 50? (like most people)

Is it at 80? (not enough)

Is it at 90? (not enough)

Or is it at 100? (The only number that WILL produce results).

You should be able to tell pretty quickly...

What do you do each day to build your business? How many books on the industry do you own? How many conference calls are you on each week? How many people do you talk to about your business/product each day?

What would you be willing to give and sacrifice to succeed?

I hope the answer to that questions is "whatever it takes", because I can promise you the end result is worth the sacrifice.

So how can you tell if your prospect is going to succeed or fail from the very first phone call?


Ask them this question: "So which books are you currently reading on self-development and marketing?"

Anyone who is TRULY serious about being a successful entrepreneur will be able to name at least one book they are reading right now.

Those who can't, are just kidding themselves.

So here's a quick test you...

Take 24 hours and write out a list of 20 reasons WHY you want to do this business. After the 20 reasons are defined and written down, select the top three reasons (Core Desires). If you can’t do that, you're best staying in a job.

Start increasing your value to your teammates by increasing your knowledge and abilities.

Only then will the world be willing to pay you back with freedom and wealth.

If you’re happy in a business, that’s great! If you are looking for the right online business and mentor, I would love to share what I’m doing with you. Click here and let’s explore the possibilities.
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