
Devasish Gupta

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No Human Can Possibly Not Benefit from THIS... Weird Ways People Block Own Abund
2/23/2016 4:51:02 PM
No Human Can Possibly Not Benefit from THIS... Weird Ways People Block Own Abundance!

Discover a life free of Abundance Blocks...

Yesterday, I sent you an email about this massive thing that's happening in Mindvalley Academy.

And just to make sure you don't miss it, I'm sending this reminder.

Claim your ticket to Unblock Your Abundance 2016 And redeem your spot for this life-changing event FREE...

Here's why this is so important.

Many say we're in the middle of a great bear run.

Stocks will plunge, jobs will go scarce and clients even scarcer. And most of us will be back to penny pinching.

All of that is true and the media is taking every opportunity to shine the spotlight on it.

However, there's a large segment of the population that's quietly laughing all the way to the bank.

In fact, this group of people has always — I repeat, ALWAYS — been enjoying more and more abundance.

How so? There in lies the secret.

These people have their Abundance Frequency ALWAYS set higher.

(Wait a minute, what's an Abundance Frequency? It's the energetic thing that governs the abundance each person receives in life.)

While some of these "special" people are naturally abundant, the majority of them have trained themselves to do the same.

However, raising your Abundance Frequency consciously can take YEARS, if not decades.

But you need abundance now. NOT LATER.

That's why when I found the QUICKEST way to raise anyone's Abundance Frequency, a little known technique called Energy Clearing, I knew I had to tell you all about it.

FREE Abundance Event Guarantees Instant Results! THIS is Why Your Abundance is Blocked... Unblock Your Abundance

See, Christie Marie Sheldon, the master energy healer, has discovered 24 blocks that are keeping your Abundance Frequency down and they are called Abundance Blocks. These are energetic imprints that a person may have obtained during their childhood, especially between the ages 3 and 7.

And she's invented a unique form of Energy Clearing for clearing these Abundance Blocks that effectively wipes out these blocks without you even trying. It's powerful. It's magical. And you'll see results in hours.

When you do energy clearing this way, the first thing that you'll notice is that you feel more calm, peaceful and certain about yourself.

This breakthrough way of energy management combines both timeless wisdom of the east and years of testing with individuals from all walks of life... and it is especially relevant for modern society and its relentless pace of life.

Now, here's the BEST PART.

Once a year, while the year is starting, Christie sets out to clear the world's abundance energy by delivering a massive online energy session on Abundance Blocks for FREE.

Last year over 80,000 people signed up for her class. The stories of results these individuals had were heart warming.

Christie is FULLY convinced and committed to clear the abundance blocks that may be hindering your energy in unlocking your unlimited abundance.

That is why I want you to experience the amazing things I'd experienced.

All Christie asks is for you to come with an open mind and heart.

>>> Click here to find out more today:

The session is called "Unblock Your Abundance" and it's happening next week.

Here's a short preview of what I'll be covering at the session...

Abundance Blocks And Why They’re Holding You Back From Wealth

Familiarize yourself with what they are, why they exist and which ones could be sabotaging your ability to manifest the abundance you desire.

How Energy Clearing Works

Discover exactly how it’s possible to tap into your energy field, and directly remove Abundance Blocks from it.

An energy clearing session for unblocking your abundance in 2016

I will remotely access your energy field and enhance its natural wealth attraction ability just in time for the new year — all you have to do is relax!

How Much Are Your Abundance Blocks Costing You?

Use an eye-opening abundance calculator to instantly see how close (or far) you are to being financially healthy.

Tales of unlimited abundance

I'll share a few real-life stories from past participants of this energy clearing session. Regardless of who you are, unlimited abundance is just a mind shift away.

The Hot Seat

If you’re curious or skeptical about the power of energy clearing, this section is for you. Vishen will be asking me some really important questions on every aspect of Abundance Blocks — so we can really shed some much-needed light on these tricky mental blocks.

Discover more about this amazing event here >>

If you want to finally rid yourself of any Abundance Blocks that are secretly holding you back from the life of your dreams, THIS IS THE EVENT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.

Let's make 2016 the most prosperous and abundant year yet!

Here's a testimonial from one of the *80,000* people who signed up last year.

Karen Gatti Foster says:

"Thank you, Christie and Mindvalley for this awesome opportunity. I feel like I shed some of my blocks, and look forward to working on this with your program! I'm energised, pumped and feel more free, on a soul level, than I could have imagined!! Woohoo!!"

>>> Confirm your spot for the 2016 "Unblock Your Abundance" Session:

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