
Devasish Gupta

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Eliminate Your Financial Stress And Be On The Path To True Prosperity... [3 Grea
2/8/2016 2:51:29 PM
Eliminate Your Financial Stress And Be On The Path To True Prosperity... [3 Great Money Myths]

When was the last time you felt stressed about money?

If you’re like most of us, your answer is probably…today.

In fact, a recent poll by the American Psychology Association found that money issues are the #1 source of stress for most Americans!

Can you relate to any of these experiences…

Do you wish you could have a more meaningful career but worry it won’t provide enough income to cover your expenses?

Are there big things you’d like to save for, like travel, retirement or buying a home, that you can never seem to get closer to being able to do?

Do you have debts from credit cards or student loans that you can never seem to make a substantial dent in?

If your income has increased in recent years, has your wealth remained essentially the same?

Have you found that working more or working harder rarely affects your financial situation in any noticeable way?

Even though these may seem like unique challenges, they are all caused by the same thing…

The good news is that two of today’s leading money experts (and friends of ours)—bestselling author Lynne Twist and renowned wealth coach Tammy White—have found a proven way to help you overcome it.

And they’re about to hold a free training event to teach you what they’ve discovered:

The 3 Great Money Myths & Your Journey To Wealth- An Online Training To Help You Eliminate Your Financial Stress And Put You On The Path To True Prosperity...

What they have to share with you will completely change your relationship with money and give you the keys to actually create the prosperous and fulfilling life you want to be living.

Aside from being the author of the bestselling book The Soul of Money, Lynne Twist is one of the most successful charity fundraisers in the world, bringing in over 200 million dollars for The Hunger Project alone.

She and Tammy have spent years helping people transform their relationship with money, and they’ve discovered that there are 3 globally shared assumptions about money—3 Myths—that prevent most of us from experiencing the True Prosperity we long for.

Don’t Miss this Chance to Attend Lynne and Tammy’s Life-Changing ‘3 Great Money Myths’ Online Training at No Charge:

Once you know exactly what these 3 Myths are and how to get past them, not only will you open the door to a greater flow of wealth into your life…

You’ll actually be able to do things right away that support and empower you to create the life you dream of living.

And then, rather than money being a source of stress, fear, anxiety, overwhelm, overwork or compromise, it can become an ally and a tool for generating True Prosperity all around you!

Attend Lynne and Tammy’s Life-Changing ‘3 Great Money Myths’ Online Training at No Charge and Discover How To Remove Them From Your Life for Good.

Lynne and Tammy are offering this online training at no charge because they are truly dedicated to changing the whole culture around money worldwide and are determined to spread their message in every way they can.

Eliminate Your Financial Stress And Be On The Path To True Prosperity... [3 Great Money Myths]

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