Engineers India open offer for saleEngineers India has opened 690 crore OFS. Engineers India OFS floor price of Rs 189 per share is fixed. The government, through its 10 per cent stake OFS. 637 crore raised through the sale is expected to close.
Engineers India 3.36 crore shares will be sold in the OFS. The minimum value of the shares at the close on Thursday, the Engineers India shares 2.4 per cent lower than the Rs 190.05. Engineers India Ofs noon close of business at the time of the open this morning and will close at 3.30 pm.
What fund managers are betting on your stocks?
MF activity in Engineers India: Plans purchased by 5 | Sold By 20 Schemes | 38 No Change in Plans
Engineers India held by mutual funds in the last 6 months So start from today and try to read the results of the companies to understand them.
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