
Don Evans

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Your Exciting New Self Employment Career Opportunity
12/30/2015 10:19:36 PM
Quick Little Survey

Your Exciting New Self Employment Career Opportunity


This is your opportunity to set yourself up in a career path where you can
earn way more than what a mid level management position might pay.
And the real good thing about it is that it is absolutely free until we
launch the main company website on/about the 15th of January. After
that it will cost $75. So, take a real close look at it and call me if you
have any questions. AND be sure to call me after you get signed up so I can
send you our welcome package that will show you how to use this same
letter to earn the Big Paychecks!

My name is Don Evans. I am the president & Founder of an exciting new
marketing company called Quick Little Survey and I am looking for 10
people who can get excited about a good way to earn some real Big Paychecks!
This is something you can do on a part-time basis whether or not you are working
now. There is NO COST to you. This is absolutely free and if you can find 3 to 5
hours a week to do this. I will work with you on an individual basis and train
you in every aspect of this business.

Which won't take all that much time really. This is easy to do and you don't have
to sell anything. In fact I can teach you everything you need to know in about
two minutes. That is about how long it will take you to read the rest of this letter.
If you are not working now and looking for a job, this can work for you. If you
are working and looking for a better job, this can work for you. Even if you have
never worked before, this can work for you.

What do we do?

We teach people how do a quick little two minute survey to catch someones
attention and invite them to visit our website and let that do the selling for us.

This Is The Script For The Quick Little Two Minute Survey

However, this is just an example. A basic outline to follow when you do the
survey. Just be yourself and use your own words. Start with the people you
know first. Family, friends & neighbors. You are looking for 4 people who
will want to duplicate your efforts and use it to find their 4 people. If you
don’t find them from people you know, start talking to other people.

That first question below is about the cost of living. That could be about
almost anything. The government, health care, Social Security, the weather,
anything on the local news. Whatever strikes your fancy. That’s just something
we use to catch their attention, so we can invite them to visit the website.
You don’t even have to do the survey if you don’t want to. Just ask them if they
would be interested in a real good way to make some extra money and invite
them to visit the website.

We are currently in Pre-launch which means that the company website is not
quite ready. We expect to launch that on/about the 15th January. But, you don’t
have to wait until then to get signed up. You can visit the website below and sign
up for our Pre-launch registration. NOTE: We are going to have some other good
ways to make money on that website too when we launch that you can do even
if you are not involved in this Referral Marketing part of it. So, get signed up
now so you will be able to take advantage of that right away.

The Quick Little Two Minute Survey.

Hi John I have found a pretty good way to make some extra money. I get paid now
to do some quick little two minute surveys and I would like to do one with you.
right now. It goes real fast because I only have two quick questions. Can I do that
quick little survey with you right now?

Good. Thanks John, I am doing one today about the high cost of living. Statistics
show that even a small amount of money, like an extra $200 a week coming in on
a regular basis would go a long ways toward helping the average family stay ahead
of the game and balance the family budget. Would you agree with that statement?
After they say yes, continue with: Good.

Now, question #2.
What would you say if I told you that I can show you how to earn that much,
and a whole lot more too, if you like this. Because, all you have to do to earn some
real good paychecks is to do this simple little two minute survey with only 4 people
you know during the next 7 days. Would that be something you would like to know more about?
And that's all there is to it. Can you do that?
Now let me ask you one more question. Would you like to earn multiple $50
paychecks over and over again and get paid every Friday? What if I told you those
$50 paychecks could very quickly add up to thousands of dollars per week, would
that make it more interesting? What if I told you that there is absolutely NO COST
to you, now or ever, would that encourage you to visit our website and take a real
close look at Quick Little urvey?

Don Evans
President & Founder – Quick Little Survey
(719) 390-0561

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