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Web Marketing Made Easy, Easy Ways to Get Unstuck When Stuck on a Task, Qualify
12/6/2015 5:05:37 PM
Web Marketing Made Easy, Easy Ways to Get Unstuck When Stuck on a Task, Qualify Your Prospects with BANT! [Resources, ideas, Tips]

[Resources, ideas, Tips] Improving response to business-to-business, high-tech, Internet, and direct marketing...

***Web marketing made easy***

According to consultant Bob McCarthy, the foundation of your web marketing doesn't take much -- just 5 basic items:

1--A web site. "There is no debate here, says Bob. "If you're in business, you need a web site. It could be simple -- just a few pages -- but you need to have a presence on the web.

2--A downloadable PDF report. Ideally, you want a lead magnet -- an educational how-to report or tips sheet -- something that has an appeal to your target audience. If you don't have a lead magnet, find something that visitors will want to download.

3--A form page or landing page. When people are ready to download your report, you need to give them a way to take action.

4--A lead capture system. After the form is filled out, you need some way to process that contact information, confirm the e-mail address, and deliver the download.

5--An e-mail service. After the leads are collected, you need an automated process for consistent follow up.

Source: The Direct Response Coach, 6/24/14.



***3 easy ways to get unstuck when stuck on a task***

1--If you are stuck for more than 15 minutes, switch tasks.

2--Instead of working on the problem continuously for hours, schedule shorter, more frequent sessions over several days.

3--Keep a list of problem tasks and glance at it when not at work; a new context can lead to a fresh perspective.

Source: Ron Friedman, Harvard Business Review blog, 7/9/14.


***Qualify your prospects with BANT***

>> Budget -- what are they willing to spend to buy the product or

>> Authority -- who needs to be involved in the purchase decision?

>> Need -- what needs or conditions must exist before your
product would be of value to the potential customer?

>> Timing -- How soon will the buying decision be made?

Source: John Coe, The Fundamentals of B2B Sales and Marketing, McGraw-Hill, p. 127.


This post appears courtesy of Bob Bly's Direct Response Letter. Bob Bly is the author of 70+ books and the man McGraw-Hill calls America's top copywriter.

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