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Jim Allen

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Climate Commie Obama Embarrasses America At UN Paris Climate Change Scam Confere
12/1/2015 12:15:55 AM

Climate Commie Obama Embarrasses America At UN Paris Climate Change Scam Conference

Obama Arrogant

Pompous America-hating president Obama took to the podium on Monday at the United Nation’s global warming climate change scam conference, embarrassing America in a big way.

Arrogant and self-absorbed Obama, who back at home thinks he’s above the law, performing his progressive leftist presidency like a third-world dictator, apparently thinks he’s also above the rest of the world as well.

Obama was one of 147 world leaders given a three-minute slot at the COP21 conference in Paris, but as NBC News reported, Obama obnoxiously took 14 minutes, nearly five times his allotted time.

As you can hear in the video below, for example at about 8:30 minutes into the speech, the event organizers began ringing loud beeps, letting Obama know that he had run over his time.

But like he does to Americans warning Obama that he is usurping his authority, he completely ignored the warnings.

Equally as shameful, Obama — as he is prone to do — used the overseas speech to demonize the country he pretends to serve — America.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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