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Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"
11/11/2015 11:14:31 PM
Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"

To the many gullible souls out there who truly think that Barack Obama is "legacy building" in his all-out assault on America, I implore you to bow out of the conversation because you are not seeing clearly.

The term legacy carries positive connotations of something bequeath that is to the receiver's benefit. Everything that Barack Obama does is calculated to destroy America, which he despises. This man no more cares about legacy than he fears being properly prosecuted by the white political leaders whose responsibility it is to remove him from office.

I focus on white leaders, because whites are still in the majority and they fill the majority of political offices. If the majority of political operatives were of some other ethnicity, I would lodge my complaint against that group. Ethnicity is an issue only because Obama is half-black and he uses that fact to intimidate guilt-conflicted white people. Otherwise, he would have been impeached and likely in prison for treason by now.

Barack Obama's sole aim has been, since he first entered politics and continues as he winds down this presidency, the complete destruction of America as it was founded.

It is an insult to the intelligence of all Americans who must listen to elitist pundits on Fox news and elsewhere, and political drones in either party endeavor to make Obama's behavior fit a pattern of normalcy. Attributing his destructive policies to "legacy building" is either self-delusion on the part of the people who make that claim or cowardliness.

This is my take.

Obama's nuclear deal with Iran has nothing to do with legacy but rather to enable a Muslim nation to wage nuclear war with America and Israel – the two nations that he most despises. Does anyone wonder why Russians praise Vladimir Putin despite what the rest of the world might think of him? Putin cares about his country, that's why.

Obama despises the American military because traditionally it has been a mainstay of America's strength, and our strength infuriates him.

Imposition of a polluting homosexual, anti-Christian agenda upon the military ranks destroys unit cohesion and literally terrorizes male members with the prospect of sodomy rape. Such rapes have increased since the forcing of open homosexuality in the ranks, against the will of a majority of members I might add. Couple that with an infiltration of women, for whom all standards of strength must be reduced, and Obama attains his goal of emasculating and demoralizing the forces.

He could not care less about a legacy of making the forces more diverse. Besides, President Truman diversified the military as much as it should be when he integrated it. Obama's objective is its destruction.

Obama reopened relations with Cuba because Cuba is Communist. Legacy is not his concern here either, but rather to scuttle America's attempts to keep Communist influence out of the Americas. That Cuba has major issues with human rights does not matter. Like his Marxist African father before him, he despises the West and all that it represents.

Obama lawlessly declares open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, because he wants to overrun America with third-world people who bring little more than dependency with them. This tactic not only does not ensure a legacy, but rather it guarantees the eventual conversion of America itself into third-world status, if it is allowed to continue.

Bill Clinton started the travesty of increasing the numbers of third-world immigrants at the expense of culturally more suited immigrants from European and European-influenced nations, but Obama has taken the trend to lawless, destructive extremes. He is fully aware that many of these invaders have no intention of assimilating.

It is only the outcry of a majority of Americans that holds back this hateful invasion scheme, and Donald Trump's entry onto the political scene to oppose that scheme is a saving grace for our nation.

These are but a few instances of behavior that display the loathsome character of Barack Hussein Obama. And he is allowed to roam freely through the American landscape poisoning and polluting as he goes, sure in the realization that no one will stop him because he is "black."

The day that we no longer have to hear the prattle about his "legacy building" will not be soon enough for me.

Many, many Americans are thoroughly fed up with Barack Obama and the spineless crop of political leaders who ignore his criminality. It is yet unknown whether Republicans will ever garner the backbone to become a true opposition party and hold him accountable. Promising signs are the House conservatives' getting rid of establishment types John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker and Speaker hopeful, respectively, and Donald Trump's entry into the 2016 presidential race with enough money and testicular fortitude to tell the Establishment and the Left where to shove it.

Should these positive trends not continue and the 2016 election cycle yield no movement to counter all the harm that Barack Obama has done to this nation, I think there will be massive disruption. Those folks in the National Rifle Association ads currently running on television seem very serious to me, and that is a good thing.

© Sylvia Thompson

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"
11/11/2015 11:30:11 PM
Harvard Fires Critic of Jihad. Harvard has dropped economics courses taught by a Hindu professor, Subramanian Swamy, president of the Janata Party of India and a former Union Cabinet minister, because of something that had nothing to do with economics: he wrote an editorial that Muslims find offensive.

It’s Called ‘Christmas,’ Stupid. The University of California, Berkeley, provides a prayer room in the student union for Muslim students, and the University of Michigan-Dearborn has installed footbaths for Muslim students, as have a dozen other universities. A technical school in Minnesota has installed foot baths, but the coffee cart’s Christmas music has been turned off as a violation of the separation of church and state and, perhaps, insulting to those taking a footbath.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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Dreams from My Real Father
11/17/2015 8:27:20 PM

Dreams from My Real Father

At age 18, Barack Obama admittedly arrived at Occidental College a committed revolutionary Marxist. What was the source of Obama's foundation in Marxism? Throughout his 2008 Presidential campaign and term in office, questions have been raised regarding Barack Obama's family background, economic philosophy and fundamental political ideology. DREAMS FROM MY REAL FATHER proposes a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.

See the Full Film Here

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Barack Obama is not seeking "legacy"
11/22/2015 7:33:09 PM

Judge Pirro Blasts Obama: You’ve Proven You’re Not Capable of Protecting Us

As expected Judge Pirro went off on Obama for his lax attitude in dealing with the threat of ISIS. He shows more anger towards Americans and politicians against refugees being brought to the US, who cannot be vetted, than the terrorists trying to kill us all.

Pirro has obama dead to rights for the disdain, mocking, talking down and division he has caused in the country. He’s busy stoking the flames of racism while turning a blind-eye towards the threats ISIS poses to the US after all these attacks in Paris, Lebanon, Mali and the Russian airliner.

The Judge cited the Preamble that govts first obligation is to protect citizens but obama trivializes his duty to protect the nation. If this were any other country the president would have been impeached or removed by now. Instead we have a crybully in power who, has removed anyone in the military and govt that would ever oppose him, panders to our enemies around the world.

Read rest of story here

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Joint Chiefs’ Conspired Against Obama To Allow Al-Assad To Stay in Power
12/25/2015 10:19:19 PM

An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

Uh - Ooops

Oh oh. I bet someone needed a “time out” in the corner when he heard about this one.

In the video below, you’ll learn that back in 2013, when Obama thought he was on the verge of attacking Syria to remove Al-Assad, he just found out he was reakky being PUNKED by his Joint Chiefs of staff, who at the time were working in direct opposition to what Obama wanted to do.

Pentagon officials, aka those that know how the military operates after a lifetime spent serving it, KNEW that the West’s support for Islamist rebels WOULD create ISIS. They had an entire report on it, Obama knew about it, but did what he felt like doing anyway, including ILLEGALLY arming the rebels.

Obama and everyone in the Pentagon knew at that time that the Free Syrian Army had evaporated, so Obama’s motives for sending arms like he did, was incredibly suspect… that is… to anyone that doesn’t already know he’s a treasonous piece of garbage.

When it came down to it, Obama and his administration wanted nothing to do with the report that provided the facts on the ground as they WERE, because the report did not relate the facts as Obama WANTED THEM TO BE. Gee, that’t not a pattern with Obama or anything is it?

Total flight from reality? Nooooooooo. Not Obama! So, precisely as his OWN APPOINTEE to Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency said, “Obama knowingly and willingly provided weapons to ISIS.”

Unfortunately for the country, rather than slapping cuffs on Obama, and throwing him in the brig until the military could get Congress to WAKE UP and REMOVE Obama from office, instead, Pentagon Officials decided to bypass Obama completely, and gave US intelligence to Israel, Germany, and Russia, who then turned around and gave it directly to Al-Assad so he could effectively wipe out the people Obama was arming. Wow.

“But Obama just wants to keep kids safe by restricting guns further…” Sure… Ok!


An Exclusive You Have To See: The Last Frontier of Free Press Is Here! No More Censorship, Unlike YouTube and Others!

Treason 2

In the video below, I talk a little bit about the article from Western Journalism that was originally titled, Barack Hussein Obama Is Not Just Unfit As Commander In Chief — He’s Guilty Of Treason, AND I also rattle off quite a few CONCRETE examples of Obama’s treason that we know about FOR SURE, just win the last few weeks.

First and foremost on that list, are the reports that came out the last two days about a revolt within the Pentagon against the President. For the full story, be sure to check out how the Joint Chiefs of Staff Had To Conspire Behind Obama’s Back To Keep Al-Assad in Power.

The readers digest version of the situation, is that as of a day or so ago when the story about the Pentagon broke, the reports of Obama’s treasonous acts as reported by aFour-Star Navy Admiral, the CIA as of Today, Obama’s own hand picked Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn, and now the Pentagon, are all the same. All of them have said Obama “knowingly and willingly armed ISIS.”

On any other day, I’d have absolutely zero hope Obama will be removed from office, both because of how corrupt all of Washington has become, and also because of how well Obama has insulated himself.

Furthermore, as I covered in the post titled, Can A Sitting US President Be Arrested, it is my understanding that any president has to be Impeached BEFORE being arrested, but for Impeachment to happen, it would require at least 12-15 Democrats in the Senate to have an ounce of integrity, so we know that’s OUT!

What gives me a little hope (although not much), is what I found about Justice John Roberts Signing Off On Obama’s Removal For Treason.

Even if that were true, I don’t know what legal authority that would have, because our Constitution does not put prosecutorial power in the hands of the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice, and that should be for rather obvious reasons.

Then again, to play devil’s advocate for a minute, Obama has THRASHED our constitutional republican form of government SO badly, that maybe those at the highest levels of our government, like Justice Roberts, have decided on an alternative course of action for the time being, because they realize any system that cannot take action against a leader acting in direct opposition to the people he swore to protect is no longer a valid system anyway.

Also, the source of the list of charges and the story about Justice Roberts is Mr. Conservative, and I’ve never known them to print a bogus story in the past, so when coupled with the precision of the charges listed, it certainly has my attention anyway.

Below, first you’ll find the article from Western Journalism, and then after that the article and list of charges. For now we wait…

Justice Roberts Signs Off On Obama’s Removal For Treason

Bethany Blankley at WESTERN JOURNALISM writes:

Governor Bobby Jindal recently asserted that Barack Obama “is unfit to be commander in chief.” He’s half right. America’s situation is dire because Obama is also guilty of aiding, abetting, harboring, and funding known enemies to America.

Obama created, funds, and used the U.S. military to train ISIS in Jordan and Qatar. Even one of ISIS’s leaders, Yousef al-Salafi in Pakistan, told reporters that: “the Obama Administration is funding ISIS.”

Obama is not fighting ISIS because our military trained them, and our tax dollars continue to fund them. If Obama were not in the White House, ISIS would not exist.

This is why our country has deliberately not helped Christians pleading for their lives in Iraq and Syria.

This is why Obama refused to back Egypt’s bombing of ISIS in Libya after Christians were slaughtered, and why he rejected the Jordanian president’s request for aid.

In the entire history of the United States, our military has never, ever, not once left working artillery, weapons, and ammunition for the enemy’s use until Barack Obama.

This was well-planned and began prior to when American operatives in 2004 smuggled Gaddafi’s weapons from Benghazi to Turkish mercenaries, who were then trained to overthrow Assad. Once the Syrian crisis spilled across the border, it was a matter of time for ISIS to become what it is now, and what it will become—because it will get worse.

ISIS is Islam. They are not radical extremists. There is no such thing. Islam is neither a religion nor peaceful. It is a totalitarian ideology based on violence and control.

Muslims who behead non-Muslims are following the Quran’s instructions and Muhammad’s example. Muhammad initiated beheading—by first beheading thousands of Jews after he stole their possessions and women and children. He beheaded them in the public square in Medina for everyone there to witness.

Islam literally means submission to Allah, as outlined in the Quran. Submission or death are the only two choices for non-Muslims. Anyone who argues otherwise is lying or deceived.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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