
Don Evans

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Information Warrior Weekly Newsletter #1 - 20 Sept, 2015
9/20/2015 6:03:01 PM
Information Warrior Weekly Newsletter #1 - 20 Sept, 2015

In my description for this forum, I said: I will be posting a weekly news letter here summering and providing links to some of the biggest news events published in my forum, "The Information Warrior" where we expose government lies & deception. Well, that turns out to be not as easy to do as you might think because looking back over the articles and videos posted up to this point, I think all of them are important. So much so that I posted many of them in other forums too.

I am not real comfortable posting in other forums and would like to know what you think about that. No one has complained about it (well, one small one that concerned free speech). AND although in my forum, it says all replies will be deleted, that does not apply to this message. That applies to business promotions. I really would like to know what you think about this. NOTE: Not here. I am posting this in another forum. I mean when you visit either one of my forums.

The thing is that I have had a lot more people read my information in other forums than I have in The Information Warrior forum. That's understandable. That is a new forum. The information I am putting out here is absolutely vital. It is about Freedom. Life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness as outlined in the Declaration Of Independence, and we are in extreme danger of losing that! I want to reach as many people as possible with that information. Still, I am thinking that in the future I will post in other forums only once a week. Perhaps to post my weekly newsletter (like this one) and otherwise let people carry on there with business as usual. What do you think about that?

Meanwhile, I will post 3 here that I think are probable among the most important. What do you think?

1. Operation MoneyBomb.

blasting through the lies of the mainstream media and spreading the message of truth and liberty on a massive scale. We estimate that the million dollars in funding we’ve raised through Operation Moneybomb 2015 will help us reach more than 400 million people. That’s 400 million people that can be woken up from their dream-like trance put upon them by the mainstream media system.

2. 50 Things You Should Know About The Government ... If You Want To Know The Truth. What about you? Do you want to know the truth?

3. All Economic Hell Is About To Break Loose (Video)

Former U.S. Army intelligence officer, survivalist-author, and proprietor of James Wesley Rawles joins the show today to break down ways to prepare for the slow motion economic collapse. Some of the discussion there concerned free speech.

We are touching on one of the basic freedoms we (used to ) have in this once great country. That is free speech. You cannot be politically correct and exercise your right to free speech at the same time. Just about anything you say might be considered offensive to someone. Especially in this multi-cultural world we live in. I might not agree with what you say, however, I will stand up to protect your right to say it.

I posted a 2nd message under the first one where it says that We're witnessing the birth of a new renaissance for free speech.

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