The Daily Prayer 09.17.2015
“The Abundance of Spirit is There For Me”
Marilyn O’Leary, RScP
I approach this day in humility, love, and gratitude, knowing that the Spirit of Love, the life-giving spirit I call God, is all that there is. God is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. All Good, All Marvelous, All Giving, and All-Sustaining.
Divine Spirit is love, joy, abundance, health, the answer to all prayers, the source of comfort, the source of life.
I take great confidence in knowing that I am One with Spirit. When I go deep inside myself to hear that still, small, voice, that voice is the voice of God. I am one with all that I seek. It is already here for me. I declare that Love is expressed in my life in many ways. I feel love, I give love, and I receive love. Radiant health is mine now, coursing through every system, every organ, every cell in my body. I am abundant. I have all I need and more. Everywhere I turn, the abundance of Spirit is there for me, answering every need, every desire. My life is filled with joy that I recognize in a child’s laughter, a friend’s touch, the sun on my face. I am filled.
As this is true for me, it is true for everyone who reads this and who agrees with it. I affirm for all that Spirit’s life-giving abundance, radiant health, beauty, comfort, love, are experienced now.
I am so grateful for the gifts of Spirit, for the knowledge of how to experience them, for the teaching that makes these gifts live in my life.
I release my word now, knowing that it is so. Amen.
Marilyn O’Leary, RScP
Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living
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