The Daily Prayer 09.10.2015
“Surrender and Acceptance“
Liza Kerr, RScP
Recognizing that connection with God when you feel great is sometimes easier than feeling it when you are down, but the moment you decide to open yourself to the connection peace settles over you and through you. It is like flipping on a light switch – the electricity is always there waiting to be used, it’s just a matter of allowing it in. So I would say let the light of God illuminate my soul and nourish that part of me that feels lack. Let the light that is my God light shine brightly and light my way, let it be a beacon to others in their journey.
I know there is one God, that God is everywhere and all things. That God is timeless with no beginning and no end. My God is the pure essence of Love, Harmony, Peace, Happiness and Joy. There is no separation between me and God, for the innermost God and the outermost God are one and the same. I know I am not God, simply a manifestation of the divinity, one of many. Each of us is this spark of divinity. Each of us on our own path, each of us doing exactly what we need to be doing in this minute right now; perfection unfolding.
I speak my word and my word is law, that I have in my life everything I need to make the next right decision. I begin my journey one step at a time, one day at a time. While I may have long term goals sometimes it is enough to just get through the next hour, the next minute, or the next 24 hours that are in front of me. I can do that. During that next hour, the next 24 hours I can open myself to the presence of God in my life. I can surrender the problems I have to God and let her figure out a solution. When she does she’ll let me know. I just need to listen and to be open to the gentle guidance that I will get. If this is true for me it is true for each of you – turn your struggle over to God, surrender, and accept the answer when it comes.
I give thanks for my Faith. I give thanks for my unwavering belief that God has my back. I give thanks for knowing that when I surrender my problems to God, she will show me the way.
I release this prayer to the Law of Mind, knowing it cannot come back to me void. Please join me in saying AND SO IT IS.
Liza Kerr is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual Living
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