The Daily Prayer 08.31.2015 "God's Embrace" Tilia Giron, RScP
Today, I choose to rest in the knowingness that my life is exactly where and what it should be. I believe that no matter what occurs or does not, that it is perfect. I believe in this Greater Good, this Divine Energy that always has my back, that all my life has seen me through tough spots and brought me surprising delights. So, it is that I believe that this Presence brings me exactly what I need for my spiritual growth and evolution as I need it. I believe that this is true for me and this is true for you.I believe my part and yours in all this is to see it, to recognize the truth and to take that truth to heart and mind. And so it is that I am grateful for this BeautyGrace in my life and yours, this BeautyGrace that assists in charting our stars so that we are always moving forward on the path of soul growth. And in our gratitude, we inevitably expand the good, grace and quality of our lives for what we focus on increases. We may not always or immediately recognize the good, we are human, after all, come to learn who we truly are - spiritual and aligned with God. But, it never fails, after I sit with whatever the issue may be for a while, the dust inevitably clears, the true heart mind steps forward and I am gifted with the truth of love and insight and clarity. And I experience the blessing.And so I give thanks for this Divine Embrace, this Divine Love that holds me and you in the palm of Its Hand. And watches over us so carefully and constantly. And all the while that you and I are so beneficently watched over, we are, nonetheless, given free choice to pursue the option of our choice.We are to put it simply: unconditionally loved. In God's love, we are shown the way to love - without boundary or condition! I am soul grateful for this generous and gentle love. You and I are so blessed.And in this moment, I allow myself and invite yourself to enter and be embraced and enveloped completely in the fullness of this Divine Love. I know for all of us that this Love, this Truth, this Knowingness of this Truth and this Unconditional Eternal Never-Yielding Always-Watching Ever-Attentive Love penetrates and permeates all of our Divine and Human Self and Nature and does so so thoroughly and completely that we are not only exalted with it and by it, but It moves through us and with us and from us and to all that we breathe in and out, touch and release, know and allow, throughout our every conscious and unconscious thought, feeling, emotion and action. And this Divine Presence is even more full because of our awareness and our lovingness, willingness, and our joined love.I am grateful for the knowingness of this Divine Presence and Its Love within and throughout our lives. I am grateful for the committed partnership with this God of Unconditional and Exalted Love, a Love that totally blesses and embraces us in each and every moment of our days and lives. I release my word into the Light and know and feel that it is so!Tilia Giron is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual LivingShare The Love by adding this post your social networks.#God #godsembrace #CenterForSpiritualLiving #RioGrandeCenterForSpiritualLiving #RGCSL #scienceofmind #religiousscience