The Daily Prayer 08.12.2015 “Strength and Grace in the Face of Life’s Challengers” Alicia Hanlen, RScP
I am so blessed to know and truly believe in my heart of hearts that there is one Presence and one Power which sits at my center and my circumference. This Presence is with me ALWAYS, no matter what challenges life may present. I know that this all-pervading life energy contains within itself not only all of the questions, but all of the answers as well.This Life is wisdom, understanding, compassion, and love. And I know that I am never alone, never truly lost, and, therefore, I need not fear any outcome, or any circumstance, which may, in my human understanding, feel out of control. Instead, I tap into the wisdom, the understanding, and the love, and treat myself and any and all persons involved with the utmost care and compassion. I allow my wholeness and innate perfection, as well as that of all concerned, to be revealed in the present moment and present circumstances.I embrace this perfection, choosing to see strength, flexibility of feelings and conditions, fluidity and vitality in every aspect as the ultimate out picturing of this very same perfection. I understand that as I turn within, as I release my fear, worry or doubt to Spirit, that I am filled with the grace of God, as it flows unimpeded into my being. My heart soars with unbounded joy as I release any lingering fear, and I am filled with a feeling of overwhelming gratitude for these truths revealed to me.Thank you, dear Spirit; thank you, dear God! I know and declare that through grace, my life is filled with strength and perseverance, and I am abundantly blessed. And so it is.Alicia Hanlen is a Practitioner at the Taos Center For Spirtual Living and is affiliated with the Rio Grande Center For Spiritual LivingShare The Love by adding this post your social networks.#God #Grace #CenterForSpiritualLiving #RioGrandeCenterForSpiritualLiving #RGCSL #scienceofmind #religiousscience