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Smed Malak

23 Posts
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Customized Photo T-Shirts and R.I.P Shirts are our specialty!
7/2/2015 5:17:52 PM
All Over Printed photo t-shirts - customize yours today... 9376034494
RE: Customized Photo T-Shirts and R.I.P Shirts are our specialty!
7/6/2015 1:09:52 AM
Reading your post, without just clicking on the site; curiosity would make me have questions .. like: Is there an online site that displays your work? How about bulk rates, do you offer those? How do you ship? UPS ~ Postal Service and is postage and handling included in the final price or is that added? ___________________________________________ None of the above questions are addressed in this forum post. I visited your site and did find some answers (nice site) ~~~ visit my blog "JazLive"; scroll down to the post "Monkey Bank" ... I took that photo with my cell phone; at the end of the post you will see "forum" *** $$$ *** also note on the blog that posts can be tweeted (another community for exposure) .... follow that link back this community. /// If this blog site can help increase potential sales, why not try it. "Publish FREE" is in my community signature" ... Let's network ~ it will not cost you anything. We can complement each other, simply with a blog post. I like helping and encouraging.
All Over Printed photo t-shirts - customize yours today... 9376034494

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