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Bogdan Fiedur

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No task is a long one but the task...
2/2/2006 8:59:50 AM
"No task is a long one but the task on which one dare not start: It becomes a nightmare." – Charles Baudelaire, poet-critic
Sarka Ksandrova

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Re: No task is a long one but the task...
2/2/2006 10:29:47 AM
Hi Bogdan! as Always... Take netiba for better fee: Success! Sarka
Cheri Merz

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Re: No task is a long one but the task...
2/2/2006 11:01:08 AM
Bogdan, Having just completed my accounting prior to having my income taxes done, I can personally attest to this statement! Cheri
Re: No task is a long one but the task...
2/2/2006 11:26:01 AM
This must mean it's getting near to tax time:) This quote must be up on the IRS office wall.
Re: No task is a long one but the task...
2/2/2006 2:50:47 PM
Lack of preparation leads to a task on which one dare not start. I used to put off tax preparations to the last minute but I found for the past 6 years that if I start in December assembling the necessary documents and analyze such that when I get my tax software I breeze through the steps and send it off and will recieve my refund within a week. But this applies to any task. Preparing for kids' college costs can take years. Preparing for an internet business. Once you start it will become easier. Coming soon "Ads By The Squares" Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz Copy this link to your RSS Reader:

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