This pie my mother for holidays always prepared houses - all liked everything praised and asked to give the recipe preparations. Sour cream - 200 гр. Sugar - 200 - 250 гр Flour - 250 гр Condensed milk of 1 bank (250 гр) Egg - 2 pieces The soda extinguished in lemon acid. To shake up and prevent to add 2 eggs with sugar sour cream to add 1/2 banks of condensed milk, to prevent to add soda to prevent to add flour. To pour out in oiled and the frying pan strewed with flour. To put in the gas tile in the middle in an oven and the furnace of 50 minutes on the small fire. Not to take out from a frying pan won't cool down yet!!! When will cool down to pull out from a frying pan and to cut in half on 2 layer (circle). To grease circles (layers) with cream: 1/2 banks of condensed milk 200gr butter of room temperature. It is possible to add large parts the gretskikh of nuts. To put circles (layers). From above to grease with chocolate cream: Cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons. 50 гр butter. Sugar - 100 гр. Milk - 3 tablespoons. Stirring slowly to bring to boiling and to cool and grease from above pie. It is possible to strew with grated chocolate from above. It is ready!!! To put a ready pie in the refrigerator on 1 - 2 hour. Eat on health ! Bon appetit.