Freedom to Choose Our Life’s Journey
6/9/2015 1:10:50 PM
The Daily Prayer nine “Freedom to Choose Our Life’s Journey” Liza Kerr, RScP
This prayer is to affirm the freedom to choose our life’s journey, and for the ability to ask God for anything that we need to make this journey exactly what we want it to be. We are backed always by the power of God – and to the extent that we believe this it is true. When we open our spiritual perceptions and allow the goodness of God to flow into us we find we are given whatever we need for our individualized journey. We have the freedom to choose any quality we need – happiness, prosperity, joy, grace, abundance, perfect health, well-being. Let go of the negative qualities, and fill yourself with the positive. Choose well, and be happy.Recognition of God – I know there is one God. That God is everywhere and is all things. That God is immortal, omniscient, and omnipresent. There is nothing that is not God. God is an endless possibility of all of the qualities that I need to make my life exactly what I choose, including, Love, Happiness, Peace, Harmony, Resilience, Prosperity, Abundance, Well-Being, Perfect Health, and Grace.Unity With God – There is no separation between me and God. I know that the outermost God and the innermost God are one and the same. When I seek God, it is an inward journey. I find the strongest connection in moments of quiet during meditation and time spent in nature – outdoors, absorbing the natural vibration of the Earth. I am an open vessel and that thing that is God pours into me filling me with whatever it is I need to make my journey here on Earth be exactly what I want it to be. For the God that I have become to know allows me to have complete freedom of choice. When I free my mind of the shackles that I place upon it of limitation and lack, and open my mind to the endless possibilities that are mine to choose – backed by the power of God – well the possibilities are simply endless. It is so liberating to know with absolute certainty that you choose the path you are on, you choose the destiny, you choose how you react to life’s circumstances and you choose the people that you want to make this journey with. I know that if this is true for me it is also true for you.Realization of Prayer – I Speak My Word and My Word is Law that all of the qualities of God that I need to make my journey exactly what I want it to be are mine for the choosing. I choose perfect health, well-being, strength, mental acuity, happiness, grace, prosperity, abundance, and gratitude to support me on my journey. There is nothing that can stand in the way of my goodness. I know that the path I choose is divinely guided, and it is lit by the grace of God like a glowing yellow brick road. When I am living my life in a state of grace that is mine to choose, everything becomes easy. I choose meditation and prayer, I choose hiking and biking and the strength, both inner and outer, that come with this. I choose yoga and healthy eating to nourish my body temple. I choose work that nourishes my soul, and allows me to live a prosperous life. I release any ideas I have of lack or limitation knowing that they do not serve me. Instead I look at the stars and see the abundance that is made possible by God. I know there is enough of whatever I need – all I have to do is ask and move my feet towards that goal. I know this is also possible for each of you – let go of old thoughts that bind you, and think new thoughts of freedom.Gratitude – I am grateful for this manifestation knowing that it has already occurred. I am grateful for having chosen this path as I am learning how to utilize the endless source of all things – which is God. I am grateful for the many spiritual teachers that have gone before that give insights into how to communicate with God, how to have a relationship with God. I am especially grateful today for the teaching of Jesus especially regarding unity with God, and the power of the Word, and to the Buddha for the power of meditation.Release – I release my Word to the Law of Mind, knowing it cannot come back to me void. AND SO IT IS!Liza Kerr is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107Share The Love by adding this post your social networks.#God #freedom #CenterForSpiritualLiving #RioGrandeCenterForSpiritualLiving #RGCSL #scienceofmind #religiousscience