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I know God as Love
5/30/2015 2:26:07 PM

The Daily Prayer 05.30.2015

“I Know God as Love”

Tilia Giron, RScP

Tilia Giron, RScP

I know God as Love. As simply love. And all love. I know that Love is everywhere. In all the many different ways in which life shows up – in everything seen and not seen – in that which I understand and that which I don’t. God shows up for me in Love as Good and only Good – a Good so constant, so present that even though I don’t always see and understand it, I know It is there and I know It is true. I know I am protected, guided and blessed throughout every step of my life.

As God is immensely powerful and creative in that all-surrounding impacting love, so am I and so are you. For God so loved me and you that he made us Godlike. That level of love is awesome, powerful and humbling.

And I claim this Good Blessing Love as my birthright and yours, knowing that it is that Energy that permeates my heart and that of all of us. It is that Love that sees us through all manner of experiences and conditions. It is the Stuff that challenges for in the challenges are our greatest gifts. That makes us stronger yet softer. It is the Love that upholds, synchronizes and brings blessings and miracles. It is Grace and given whether I ask or not. It is the Unexpected Joy and Gift. It is always always present for me and for you.

And so, I say yes! Yes to this Love! To this presence in my life and I extend that Love to all and am myself an extension of it. As are you. For made in the image of that Divine Creator, we cannot be otherwise.

And I am grateful: Grateful for knowing and having this Love and all the blessings It showers forth. And I welcome this day saturated with Love. And so it is!

Tilia Giron is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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