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God is Still There for Us
5/18/2015 1:50:29 PM

The Daily Prayer 05.18.2015

“God Is Still there for Us”

Marilyn O’Leary, RScP
Marilyn Oleary, RScP - Practice of Gratitude

Remember the lilies of the field. They neither toil nor spin, yet they are arrayed in glory. (from Matthew 6:26 NKJV)

I greet the day aware that Divine Spirit is all, knows all, supplies all, loves all. Spirit is in all, and I am One with Spirit and One with every other being. This astounding truth permeates my life and understanding. Because Spirit gives all and withholds nothing, because Spirit knows all, that means I have already been given all that I want and need. It is mine.

I remember the parable of the prodigal son. If I have turned away from Spirit, if I have been afraid, weak, forgetful, in other words, when I display those human qualities, there is no judgment. God is still there for me because I am One with It. It waits patiently for me to open to It and accept all the Goodness that is mine. Then I remember that I am abundance, I am love, I am creative power, I am wanted, needed, an integral part of God’s plan. I want for nothing. I worry about nothing. I am at peace.

I affirm for myself and for all who read these words a worry-free life of abundance, prosperity, love, joy, creativity. I affirm that each person remembers that s/he has a unique place in the Universe, that her gifts are needed, that s/he is needed and wanted, and that s/he is an expression of divine creativity, expansion, and evolution.

I am grateful for this understanding, for the life that brings it to me, for the teaching that reminds me,

for the workings of the law that makes this so. I release my words knowing that this is so. And so it is.

Marilyn O’Leary, RScP is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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