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Richard Mathiason

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Invite Me as a Friend
I am the Divine Expressing
5/13/2015 1:43:59 PM

The Daily Prayer 05.13.2015

“I am the Divine Expressing”

Rev Ginger Young, Minister and Youth Director

Ginger Young, RScPI stop and take a moment to remember what this thing I call God is.

I know God as the sunset, the flower, the ocean and mountains that causes the feeling of beauty and makes my heart feel so full and peaceful.
I know God as the friend who comforts me when I feel sad or confused.
I know God as a loving hug.
I know God as the word I call love.

I know God as one power that is everything, infinitely. All creation, all knowing and feelings are God. There is nothing that is not God. Therefore, I am also God. My mind, heart and body, my soul and energy, are all this one power – God.

Therefore, I am the same as God: beautiful, peaceful, comforting and comforted, loving and lovable.

In this knowing I allow the Good of God as me to steep deeply into my heart and mind and body. I allow all self-criticism and self-judgment to fall away in the light of the truth that all I am is God/Good.

In this knowing I embrace myself as Divinity expressing, releasing any definitions of being less than, or not good. And I open now, awakening to the realization that Good is in every experience I have and have ever had. I embrace now that all experience is solely for causing deeper understanding of my Goodness, deeper experience of self-compassion and compassion for others, deeper wisdom, and greater ability to be a beneficial presence in this life.

I accept all of this truth in gratitude, knowing these words set creation and manifestation into motion and into being. In loving acceptance and deep faith, I let go and I let God.

And So It Is. Amen.

Rev Ginger Young is a Minister and Youth Director at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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