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A Prayer For Love for All
5/9/2015 1:40:59 PM

The Daily Prayer 05.09.2015

“A Prayer For Love for All”

Liza Kerr, RScP
Liza Kerr, RScP - God is Love

My beautiful daughter and her partner are getting married next month and I am so happy for them. This prayer is in recognition of the love they share and the light that shines out from them. In studying spirituality the one thing that rises to the top is that God is Love. I KNOW that the Love that is God shines down on everybody equally – like rain – and gently permeates everything that it comes into contact with it. So here goes – a prayer for Love for ALL.

Everywhere I look everything I see and don’t see are all of that essence that is God – for I know that God is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Immortal. There is nothing that is not God; nothing before, nothing after, everything here and now – all God. God is all there is. In recognizing what God means to my life right now I look for those qualities of God that I wish to call into my prayer. As such, God is Love, Grace, Freedom, Prosperity, Abundance, Safety, Security, Creativity, Comfort, Peace, and Hope.

I know that I am a creation of God – that in me flows that which is God – there is nothing in me that is not God, nothing in God that is not in me, but like a snowflake falling from the sky I am individualized. There is no one quite like me, no exact replica. I know that as I experience life so too does God. My journey is a feedback loop to God – always with no right no wrong – exact perfection in every moment that I exist and I will exist always and have always existed; immortal, without beginning or end. I know that the innermost God and the outermost God are one and the same – no separation. I am who is God. God is me. I am. Just as this is true for me, so it is true for each of you – there is no separation. Each of you is perfect – leading the life you choose to live, learning lessons, responding and growing. Each of you a perfect creation living, breathing and communing with God.

This life is perfect. This life is God’s life; this life is my life now.

I speak my Word to sanctify this holy union occurring between these two people and for anyone else that is willing to declare their love for each other. I stand on the mountaintop and cry Hallelujah! I declare that the love of God is shining down on you. The grace of God is shining down on you. I cast aside anything that looks like dissent and replace it with understanding, compassion and love. I see the light shining forth from you and I glory in its warmth. I know for you that the Love of God is manifest – it cannot be stopped and once felt it cannot be denied. It opens us and changes us in ways that were heretofore unimaginable. We surrender to this love and have faith that the path we are on is the perfect path. Our hearts crack open as this love, compassion, and understanding flow in. Love binds us together and in its light we flourish. I know that everything that is not like love falls away and we are left scrubbed clean.

I give thanks for this manifestation, knowing that it cannot come back to me void, knowing that it has already occurred.

I release this prayer to the Law of Mind. And so it is!

Liza Kerr is a Practitioner at the Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living, Albuquerque, NM 87107

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